Nolte: PolitiFact Caught Lying with Fact Check on ‘Governor Blackface’ Ralph Northam – IOTW Report

Nolte: PolitiFact Caught Lying with Fact Check on ‘Governor Blackface’ Ralph Northam


Disgraced fact check site PolitiFact was caught lying Monday with a dishonest fact check about President Trump and Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam.

During a rally in North Carolina Monday, Trump reminded a packed crowd of supporters that Northam talked about how, “after the baby was born, the doctor will talk to the mother and make a decision about whether the baby lives.”

The far-left PolitiFact used its Twitter account to fact check the president’s rally in real time and rated Trump’s claim about Northam as “False.”

And yet, here is actual video and audio of Northam saying exactly what Trump said he said:

10 Comments on Nolte: PolitiFact Caught Lying with Fact Check on ‘Governor Blackface’ Ralph Northam

  1. Yeah, but what was Dexter Morgan’s brother doing married (and divorcing) michael moore???? AND that is one fat fookin’ cat!
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Poynter Institute is a commie school of “journalism” in St Pete, Fl. They own the St Pete Times, our local commie rag in the Tampa Bay area. They cooked up Politifact in 2007 just in time to promote the Commie Black Muslim Jesus and demonize patriotic Americans. No credibility; and F@@K EM.

  3. Ralphie, whether he is the dude in the KKK outfit (which he likely is) or the guy in blackface
    (He’s one of the two on his yearbook page), is in full reparations mode and Virginia will pay mightily for HIS sins. Virginians didn’t do it. I didn’t do it. Ralph did it.

    But those who didn’t do it are the racists. Get that? All of a sudden cap’n blackface kkk funny boy threw the racecard at you.

    With the media’s assistance and compliance.

    This guy should have been booted 6 months ago, but the boot licking, butt licking media covered for him because he is in favor of infanticide….also known as women’s health. So we can sell the organs for profit.
    I’m sorry. The other team needs to be destroyed. There are no gray areas any longer.

    Pure evil must be destroyed.

  4. I’m in a full rage about this guy. And the silent media.
    Baby murdering asshole cocksucking miserable mother…
    Add finger wagging Buttboy.




    You all started it.

    We will finish it.


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