Non-Binary is Now a LEGAL Gender in Oregon – IOTW Report

Non-Binary is Now a LEGAL Gender in Oregon


In what may be a first-of-its-kind ruling in the US, an Oregon court ruled Friday that Portland resident Jamie Shupe is officially and legally neither male nor female but non-binary, Jezebel reports. According to theOregonian, 52-year-old Army veteran Shupe was born a male but never felt that fit. Neither did female. “My gender identity has never been male, but I feel like I have to own up to my male biology,” Shupe says. “Being non-binary allows me to do that. I’m a mixture of both. I consider myself as a third sex.” Shupe’s attorney tells CNN Oregon law allows people to have their gender legally changed but doesn’t specify it has to be changed to either male or female. The Daily Dot calls Friday’s ruling “historic,” and the co-executive director of Basic Rights Oregon says it’s a “momentous day for genderqueer Oregonians.”

Shupe, who avoids gender pronouns and goes by the honorific “Mx.,” was “literally tearful” when the ruling was made. “I hope the impact will be that it opened the legal doorway for all that choose to do so to follow me through,” Shupe tells the Daily Dot. “We don’t deserve to be classified improperly against our will.” While the ruling could be a step toward changing federal policy, the next step for Shupe is working with the DMV to get a driver’s license that specifies “non-binary.” New Zealand, Australia, Denmark, and other countries already officially recognize genders beyond male and female. “This is an important step toward ensuring that non-binary members of our community have access to identity documents that reflect who they are, just like everyone else,” the legal director of the Transgender Law Center tells the Daily Dot.

19 Comments on Non-Binary is Now a LEGAL Gender in Oregon

  1. I know IOTWreport is there for us to comment on the hot topics of the day. But, more and more, based on the subject matter in the news, I’M BECOMING SPEECHLESS.

  2. So if this guy is non binary it means he’s really nothing , a big fat zero since binary uses 2’s instead of 10’s as a measurement. If he was truly binary he/she could be both sexes at once. The state of Oregon is absolutely nuts with this wrongheaded decision. If this this keeps up all the freaks will be able to self identify as whatever the hell they want to be depending on how they woke up in the morning. Soon and very soon nobody will know who or what they are and probably won’t care either since nobody can tell them anything without being accused of being a sexist and a bigot. Cue the Twilight zone music again, this is just another step into Bizarro World. There is nothing wrong with the way God created us all to be either male or female, but I’m probably an old fashioned white male heterosexual Christian whose opinion doesn’t mean much anymore.

  3. members of our community have access to identity documents that reflect who they are

    The problem is non-binary doesn’t reflect who these people are. The human race is in existence and continues to be in existence because of the binary identity.

    “A person walked down the road, about 6 foot tall, long blonde hair, carrying a duffle bag of stolen goods from the house the person just robbed.”

    “Was this person male or female?” is usually a good question to ask.

    To which, “No. Cuttlefish.”

  4. So in Oregon, you can be ‘non-binary’ and also beat the hell out of babies who can’t yet speak and get away with it.

    Fold that shit into California and carve it off the country.

  5. The tactics of Distract, Divide and Destroy on the part of Jeramiah Wright´s God-Damn-America-hating, jug-eared, dog-eating, feculent, two-bit, Gay-obsessed Communist Organizer!

  6. This is that little queef’s ‘look at me’ moment.
    Next he will commit suicide due to not getting the help he needs for his mental and emotional problems, but normal people will get blamed for creating the environment that caused it.

  7. … this may come as a surprise to you, Ms. Non Binary, but all those Musloids that Obama is importing don’t give 2 shits about your perversion …. you’re still on the top of the hit list … & you probably just moved yourself up to first in line … congrats

  8. “…the next step for Shupe is working with the DMV to get a driver’s license that specifies “non-binary.” …. I would Love for the DMV to say to this fool – “hmmm – non-binary?; sure we’ll put it on the driver’s license, as soon as you can prove it.”

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