Northam Tries To Throw Yearbook Staff Under The Bus – IOTW Report

Northam Tries To Throw Yearbook Staff Under The Bus


Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam has told a source he now believes it is not him in a racist yearbook photo and that he has no recollection of taking the photo, according a top Virginia Democratic source who spoke to the governor on Saturday.

Northam told the source he was in touch with some of his former Eastern Virginia Medical School colleagues, who said they believed many of the pictures in the yearbook were mixed up. More


41 Comments on Northam Tries To Throw Yearbook Staff Under The Bus

  1. He has realized that there is no way to recognize him from the photo. Not a man of honor, and has never been a man of honor. He is a Dr. that has signed a infanticide bill. I do believe that he has never taken the Hippocratic Oath seriously. If he cannot honor the main tenets of his profession, why would we expect him to be honorable in an area?

  2. OK now he’s being an ass.
    I have realigned my thinking on a long walk through the woods with my hairy sidekick: Angus.
    I decided that the photo was not racist. The photo in the year book was probably a joke at a costume party where two friends decide to go as black guy and KKK guy and pal around together. Who cares who they are. Might not even be him. But sure as shit no one else is going to jump up and yell “It’s Me!” and claim to be either guy. That’s a sure fire career ender these days.
    I decided the guy should keep his job.
    This shit is getting old.
    How many angry scolds are scouring old college yearbooks, and other such historic documents for dirt on anybody.
    They look on the Right to bring shame to the enemy
    They look on the Left to see who is in the way of people better suited to fulfill the Agenda
    I for one am tired of ghosts of the past ending careers.
    Everybody does something stupid
    Soon we will all have fifteen minutes of infamy

  3. “But sure as shit no one else is going to jump up and yell “It’s Me!” and claim to be either guy.”

    Don’t be sure, it’s called taking one for the team. The dems have no compunction when it comes to throwing someone under the bus…. just not one of their own.

  4. I ran across his bio, the guy has had the typical charmed life of a demoncrat, but he’s only 59. Apparently being a asswipe has taken quite the toll on the bastid. I thought he was in his mid to late 70s.
    I’m 2 years older, led an adventurous, balls to the wall hard knock life… and while not usually a braggert, I gotta say; I look way way younger than him.

  5. @Lazlo- “I decided the guy should keep his job.”

    No, he should resign in disgrace.
    This isn’t all about his racist photo. That is being used to cover up his support of infanticide, which is not mentioned at all in the news. He took 2 million dollars from planned parenthood for his 2017 campaign. And this week he spoke the truth about where ‘safe and rare’ abortion is headed. He spoke the truth and let the cat out of the bag. They will use the photo to discredit him and bury the infanticide issue.
    He needs to get out. Today. Now.

  6. At least this putrid mess has eliminated the myth of white privilege! If Northam, who is definitely very very white, had any privilege then he should be able to wear blackface (and KKK regalia) with impunity!

  7. That reminds me of a Michael Caine joke.

    Michael Caine was at a party, Two women were descending the stairs. Mr Caine nudged another man and said.”That is the ugliest woman I have ever seen.”
    The man said” That’s my Wife.”
    Caine said” I meant the other one.”
    “That’s my daughter.” answered the man.
    ” I never said it.” replied Mr Caine.

  8. Jackass: The only people who went to THAT college were whores and football players!

    Libtard: My wife graduated from THAT college.

    Jackass: Oh….What position did she play. Duh!

  9. “Pam, Michael. . . who?”

    Michael Jackson’s short film for “Who Is It” was the seventh of nine short films produced for recordings from Dangerous, Michael’s fourth album as an adult solo performer.

  10. No one does blackface like Judy Garland.

    Also, there’s a suspicious amount of people who think we should take it easy on this guy.

    Your names have been forwarded to the Committee on Public Safety.

  11. Although it sure seems like this is a Dem set-up to divert attention from his inexcusably inhuman (i.e. Democrat) infanticide comments, I *still* hope the SOB is forced to resign.

  12. “His willingness, expressed earlier today, to use ‘facial recognition’ to prove it isn’t him in the photo tells us he is in the klan outfit.”

    He said in the briefing they are working on facial recognition but it takes time to work. So it is NOT instant?

    *Hear that Nancy. Drones on the border with facial recognition takes too long.

    **With AI, High Speed Facial Recognition Is Here – Facial recognition technology is old news. It’s widespread

  13. @Lazlo The Elder February 2, 2019 at 12:58 pm

    > How many angry scolds are scouring old college yearbooks, and other such historic documents for dirt on anybody.

    I agree with you, @Lazlo The Elder.

    So does Hillary.

    So, here’s the deal, we’ll all go back to being civil. Just as soon as those people are so far out of power, that we can change the rules and bar them from ever trying to return.

  14. This lying shitheel needs to move out of the Governor’s Mansion and take a seat at the CNN anchor desk.

    Coonman’s Corvette indicates he’s got a size complex.

    Didn’t buy a yearbook? Never looked at his own page in it? GMAFB

  15. @toby miles February 2, 2019 at 1:38 pm

    > This isn’t all about his racist photo. That is being used to cover up his support of infanticide, which is not mentioned at all in the news.

    Quit carrying Fake News’ water. The word is “murder”. “Murdering children”. “Murdering babies”. “Murdering ingants” (if you think that makes you sound smahtah).

  16. Toby, I stand by my assessment. He should NOT resign over the yearbook photo.
    That was my point.
    These are two separate offenses.
    His views on infanticide should get him removed from office as unfit to serve.

  17. @Lazlo- careful using the word ‘infanticide’ around here. The narrative nazi’s don’t like it.

    I agree that his promoting post birth abortion is the greater of two evils, and should have caused such an uproar that his resignation happened. He spoke the truth about where the abortion industry is going, and they don’t like that. His blackface photo is also offensive, but to a lesser extent for most. But that will be what they will use, and avoid talking about abortion in the national news. (planned parenthood has asked for his resignation, and did not mention the abortion issue). It is a big part of the democrat platform, and he damaged it.
    But, whatever the reason, he has to go, in my opinion. Yesterday morning he said he was in the pic, today he says he isn’t and that yesterday is the first time he ever saw the pic. The med school has stated that all pics are selected by the students themselves. He is a deceiving lying bastard.


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