Nosulus Rift: The Latest in Immersive Gaming – IOTW Report

Nosulus Rift: The Latest in Immersive Gaming

South Park is coming out with a video game this year and is promoting it by introducing a new device that will give a player the interactive experience of having farts blown in his face.

More details Here


11 Comments on Nosulus Rift: The Latest in Immersive Gaming

  1. Really? Waste of time, that’s what I got married to my wife for. I don’t need no stinking Oculus Rift, I’m married, got that covered man. I live for Dutch ovens! HELLO!

  2. @geoff, dude, come on, you know you secretly do, now don’t lie!

    @Chip, never been to one, but I can imagine it’s no different than waiting for the public outhouses at her speaches. Same noise and smell, it’s like the camp fire seen from blazing saddles.

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