Not a Great Predicament- Bull Gives Matador the Horns In a Bad Place – IOTW Report

Not a Great Predicament- Bull Gives Matador the Horns In a Bad Place


Video, if you dare, after the

31 Comments on Not a Great Predicament- Bull Gives Matador the Horns In a Bad Place

  1. So, Cruz is down in Mexico at a restaurant.
    He sees a plate with two large meatballs at the table next to him and asks the waiter for that meal.
    The wait explains that that is a special dinner only available after a bullfight, but if Cruz were to return the next evening he could have it.
    The following evening Cruz arrives and he is served, but it is two tiny meatballs. When Cruz asked for an explanation the waiter responded.
    “Sometimes the bull, he wins.”

  2. I’m eating beef as I type, don’t get me wrong. I’ve dressed deer many times and gutted many fish, but not once have I ever wounded an animal for pleasure.

    (except pulling 1 wing off a fly that kept landing on me…oh, and swatting several million mosquitoes)

  3. Bullfighting is crap
    They should have to wrestle the bull to the ground and choke it out Hercules style.
    When Spain produces men who can do that I shall approve of the contest
    Until then it’s cruelty
    Go Bull

  4. “but not once have I ever wounded an animal for pleasure.”

    My old Pappy taught me if you plan on killing it, you better plan on eating it, and don’t drag it out.

    Having said that this is the perfect anology for what Trump supporters are about to do to the GOP.

  5. While we’re on the subject:
    A big black sedan pulled up at a Wyoming farmer’s ranch one morning last September.
    The young fella in a suit and tie explained to the farmer that he was from the government. The EPA to be exact, and he was here to inspect the farmer’s land. He told the farmer that the EPA had evidence that he had “standing water” on his land that could be considered “navigable” and if so he could face some serious fines.
    The farmer told him that yes, he had a pond “over the hill there, but I war……”
    The young man cut him off mid sentence. That’s what I want to see said the agent and I don’t need a warrant. See this badge? he snapped, I can go anywhere with this badge. It carries the power of the Federal Government and no one can stop me.
    Got that?
    Suit yourself said the farmer
    The young man opened the gate and headed toward the pond, clipboard and map in hand.
    The farmer lit his pipe and sat on the fence.
    He watched the young agent disappear over the hill.
    Less that ten seconds later he saw the agent hightailing it back towards the ranch, screaming HELP, HELP ME!
    On his ass was a snortin’ and kickin’ Black Angus bull.
    I tried to warn him said the farmer to himself.
    HELP ME, HELP ME screamed the agent.

    SHOW HIM YOUR BADGE! Shouted the farmer.

    I think think that’s a Ronald Reagan joke.

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