Not for people who are squeamish, because this will make you squeam – IOTW Report

Not for people who are squeamish, because this will make you squeam

I am not posting this video of an Olympic athlete having a gymnastic accident for ghoulish reasons. I’ve never posted stuff like that for the sake of  being “shocking.”

I’m posting this because I salute this guy’s reaction to a horrendous leg break. I’ve never quite seen a reaction like this.

See for yourself.

ht/ Bad Brad

13 Comments on Not for people who are squeamish, because this will make you squeam

  1. I still remember Joe Theisman breaking his leg while playing football for the Wash. Redskins, that compound fracture was gross with his broken leg sticking out of his pants. And when Dave Dravecky’s arm snapped in two pitching for the SF Giants. You could hear his arm snapping when he broke it, it sounded like a gunshot, it was that loud. He had cancer in his arm that weakened it so his arm was like kindling when it snapped. If I remember right they later had to amputate his pitching arm.

  2. My son is in a hospital in Germany with a broken leg which required a titanium rod, but THAT! That makes my son’s look like a walk in the park!

  3. As a Giants fan I distinctly remember the Theismann injury. They repeated it on MNF over and over. I have become a Theismann fan. He really worked through his career ending injury to become one of the better broadcasters.

  4. Loco, you’re right. It was Kerri in ’96. My bad.

    BTW can everyone here please root for Laurie Hernandez in the women’s gymnastics competition? Her father is a co-worker in the New York State Unified Court system. We’re all very excited about Laurie.

  5. GFY, I will definitely root for Laurie and all the gymnastics team tonight.
    That is one of my favorite summer Olympic sports.
    I like all five girls, Aly Raisman is my favorite on the team.
    Simone is off the charts talent.
    I hope Madison Kocian does well too.
    Gabby has been off her game but she has the experience.

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