Not a sign from a brothel – IOTW Report

Not a sign from a brothel

8 Comments on Not a sign from a brothel

  1. I’ll go with good and cheap every time…Time is not an issue. I have plenty of time (fingers crossed) Last week I went to a fast food burger joint and the cheese was literally hanging half off the burger melted onto the paper wrapping. So I brought it back up, and asked them if they could make me a cheese burger where the cheese is actually on the burger. Yep! But I got cheese on the burger with 3 pickle slices stacked upon themselves. And probably some spit. So I didn’t eat it. Walked it back up and asked for a refund.

  2. This has got to be a common problem: when too much effort is put into explaining a joke rather than making it crisp and funny.

    A better version of the sign just simply says “cheap good fast… choose any two”, and lets the reader figure it out which makes it even funnier.

    Another example: “when I die I want to go quietly in my sleep like my grandfather, not like his passengers”. I’ve seen this joke ruined several times when somebody adds on the unnecessary final phrase “in his bus”, or “in his plane”.


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