Not So Hard Choices – IOTW Report

Not So Hard Choices

19 Comments on Not So Hard Choices

  1. no thanks, I had all the “diversity” I care to have with the last one, i’ll stick to old white men who made it in business first then gravitated to politics as a way to pay back his successes.

    you can keep your “historic” presidencies.

  2. Le Pen had a beautiful line in the debates (which I thought she won but the polls say otherwise):

    France will get a woman president one way or another: either me or Angela Merkel.

  3. LePen comes across as warm and likeable, smart but not smug, and genuine.

    Macron comes across very like AnthonybWeiner’s campaign appearances: clever, weaselly, self-important and untrustworthy. Typical EU bureaucrat.

    The French are deservedly cynical about politicians, and LePen is a breath of fresh air by contrast.

    The French MSM are overplaying their biased hand as openly as the MSM here did for HRC.
    I hope with the same results.


  4. HRC’s all gay/female handlers must have thought dressing her in White would be clever psyops: Saint. Bride. Virgin. Early Steve Martin SNL.
    None of those images are flattering to Hilary. Unless you think like Podesta & Robby Mook.

    The fashion look I see her in is Orange Jumpsuit.

    Lock her up. Lock them all up.

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