Not Taking Any Crap – IOTW Report

Not Taking Any Crap


20 Comments on Not Taking Any Crap

  1. Lazlo’s canine comedic sidekick, Angus, does his business in the neighborhood and I bag it and look for a nearby can.
    Some guy complained to me about the crap in his can and told me to carry it home and put it in my own can.
    I explained that the crap in the can is the shared burden of all the neighbors in exchange for me not leaving dog crap all over the neighborhood.
    Now, if I did not tie a knot in the bag to eliminate odor and flies I would be more amenable to his argument. But I tie it tight so as to reduce the unpleasantness. But to make him be quiet I promised to walk to the next can available and avoid his can from now on.
    I did not, however promise anything about not flinging the bags up on his roof or in the trees

  2. @anonymous

    My cans are 20 feet from the road. If you are trespassing you will be shot. You got a lot of fucking nerve touching property that’s not yours.

  3. The coons, rabbits, deer, bobcats, armadillos, geese. chickens, bears, squirrels, birds, snakes, lizards, tarantulas, skunks, and whatever else, shit on my property EVERY SINGLE DAY.

    What’s a little dog shit?

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Seriously – I would far rather have someone put a tied off dog-poo bag in my trash can than leave dog poo on my yard. But ONLY if the can was out by the curb.

  5. Let me get this straight, I only have 2 choices: either A) I get somebody else’s dog shit in my yard or B) I get somebody else’s dog shit in my trash can? I will have to side with Robotlivesmatter on this one. Keep your dog, your shit, and you off my property.

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