Noted and Distinguished Author Has Facebook Account Suspended For Criticizing Islam – IOTW Report

Noted and Distinguished Author Has Facebook Account Suspended For Criticizing Islam


Tarek Fatah that Facebook had suspended his account. Fatah, who is often in the eye of controversies because of his outspoken and divisive statements on Islam, has been criticised and harassed several times.

Fatah, who is of Canadian nationality, took to Twitter on Tuesday to say: “As if being on the ISIS death list weren’t enough, Facebook suspends me. This calls for a book titled: White Guilt and Brown Bastards.”

ht/ BlazingCatFur

8 Comments on Noted and Distinguished Author Has Facebook Account Suspended For Criticizing Islam

  1. FB is the vanguard of fascist censorship these days -30 days out for calling out a whiny little faggot for being one.
    Meanwhile, islamic assholes calling for the death of Israel get a pass.

  2. God bless him, I hope that more and more people come out against FB. Most of my extended family is hooked on it, but I’m trying to think of ways to get them to communicate with me/each other differently. Suckerburg needs to be ousted.

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