Nothing Good For Anyone But Muslims Is Happening When You Hear Allahu Akbar – IOTW Report

Nothing Good For Anyone But Muslims Is Happening When You Hear Allahu Akbar

The phrase is the most vile phrase on earth.

Here we see peaceful musloids burning a Christmas tree in Brussels while shouting the execrable Allahu akbar.

16 Comments on Nothing Good For Anyone But Muslims Is Happening When You Hear Allahu Akbar

  1. Dumb ass rag heads are so effin stupid. Those being killed are screaming allah ahkbar. Those who are doing the killing are screaming the same damn thing! Satan wins either way. Eeeeyep. Hundreds of years of in breeding is over rated.

  2. i purchased a beautiful leather-bound bible at the goodwill the other day

    the goodwill did not put a price tag on the bible, so i asked and was told it was 99 cents, minus my military discount of 10 per cent

    i enjoyed paying for that bible ahead of the muslims who were next in line

    i waved it at them and told them to praise the lord as i left and it was much like shoving a crucifix in the face of a vampire

    felt fucking good

  3. The lower case heathen god allah is not great – his followers perform the works of the devil. That’s why they shout so loud – the bigger the lie, the louder the shouting.

  4. This Muslim tumor in our midst is going to be excised one way or another. There will almost certainly be civil war in the West; the Mohammedans don’t yet realize they’re going to be on the losing end (again).

  5. I’m sure this is all coming as a big fat surprise to all those who mouthed the words “holy war”, and didn’t even understand what *that* meant, when summing up the tribal wars in the ME. Did they really think it would stay “over there, somewhere”?

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