Now We’re Talking – San Fran Sheriff Being Sued For Allowing Illegal Alien Murderer To Roam Free In “Sanctuary City” – IOTW Report

Now We’re Talking – San Fran Sheriff Being Sued For Allowing Illegal Alien Murderer To Roam Free In “Sanctuary City”

Relatives of San Francisco woman ‘shot dead by undocumented immigrant’ sue the city’s sheriff for letting the gunman roam the streets

  • Kathryn Steinle was allegedly shot in the back by Francisco Sanchez
  • Her family is suing Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi, who released Sanchez in April without notifying the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement
  • They are also suing the ICE and the Bureau of Land Management
  • The gun used in Steinle’s murder was stolen out of a bureau ranger’s car 
  • Sanchez, who has been deported five times from the country and was wanted for a sixth removal, has pleaded not guilty to murder charges 
  • City’s sanctuary policy forbids officials from helping federal authorities with immigration investigations, arrests unless required by law or warrant

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12 Comments on Now We’re Talking – San Fran Sheriff Being Sued For Allowing Illegal Alien Murderer To Roam Free In “Sanctuary City”

  1. This is good news! I hope they make this so costly for San Fran that every sanctuary city, county, and state repeals their sanctuary status and starts enforcing existing law. If they end up with the keys to the city I would be fine with that.

  2. Good, GOOD!

    I know that most people tend to not think of lawsuits at the first inkling of wrong doing, but this is not just about them. This is for the America we used to live in, for our sovereignty and sanity.

    Thank you, relatives of Kathryn Steinle.

    Let this become the start of something wonderful.

  3. Great move! I wish them luck, ESPECIALLY with the “damages.”

    On another level, this problem could be solved quickly by simply changing the names of these towns from
    “Sanctuary Cities”
    Open Season Cities.

    Imagine the tourist inflow!

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