Now WHO Says To Stop Giving Covid19 Jabs to Children and Adolescents – This is not instilling confidence – IOTW Report

Now WHO Says To Stop Giving Covid19 Jabs to Children and Adolescents – This is not instilling confidence

Precision Vaccinations-

The World Health Organization (WHO) published revised advice on June 21, 2021, clarifying which populations should receive COVID-19 vaccines. The WHO’s website now states, ‘Children should not be vaccinated for the moment.’

Furthermore, the WHO says ‘There is not yet enough evidence on the use of vaccines against COVID-19 in children to make recommendations for children to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Children and adolescents tend to have milder disease compared to adults.’

‘However, children should continue to have the recommended childhood vaccines.’

Additionally, the WHO confirmed ‘COVID-19 vaccines are safe for most people 18 years and older, including those with pre-existing conditions of any kind, including auto-immune disorders. These conditions include hypertension, diabetes, asthma, pulmonary, liver, and kidney disease, as well as chronic infections that are stable and controlled.’


18 Comments on Now WHO Says To Stop Giving Covid19 Jabs to Children and Adolescents – This is not instilling confidence

  1. They have this constant fear that they will get it from someone who is asymptomatic – which has proven to be pointlessly rare. Yet they demand mask-wearing (even cloth which are useless), including people who are already vaccinated and children who are more likely to die from the vaccine or even from the masks – but the fearful adults don’t care about the children, only themselves. There are dangers to these actions, but the fearful ones drown out any and all opposition.

  2. I’m not taking the vaccine. I’m kinda worried about my family members who have. Too much stinks about all of this since day one and I am not listening to obvious political hacks who masquerade as scientists, doctors, and experts. I’ve never denied COVID was a real thing, but we’re clearly being lied to about it.

    Just ordered some ivermectin last night after seeing so many references to it around the web and looking in to it. Anne Barnhardt has good “crash course” information about it on her site.

  3. The National Weather Service has scrapped the use of the Greek Alphabet for naming storms beyond the annually listed twenty-one.

    Looks like they sold the Greek Alphabet to the WHO for naming COVID variations.

    Here comes “Delta”… Everybody inside your home and hide under your dining room table. Don’t come out until you hear the all-clear siren.

    Or until they hang Fauci for crimes against humanity, whichever is sooner.

  4. I lost faith in WHO 56years ago when it let CB Luce(Time) and Rachel Carson (SS) brow beat it in to letting millions of kids die unnecessarily from Mosquito born diseases the last 50 years by banning DDT! Mlosquitos lives are more important than human.
    It took me at least 5 years to realize that Clare turned Time into an American hating NeoCommie tool. I did not cancel until 1967. Clearly I am not “the shopest knife in the drawer>”!

    She was a “Bush Republican” before GWB!

  5. Picture legions of ambulance-chasing lawyers playing naked Twister.

    An orgy of sodomizing parasites. Of course they all want to make money off this feast of deceit, but who will be the big pot of gold? Lots of rich lawyers voted for stupid Biden, to profit from stoopit government, just like they wanted dumbshit obozo to be preznit.

  6. The survival rate, the falsified numbers we’re given, and the relentless and desperate push to first frighten and then insist on everyone getting the shot should have been enough to put any persons antenna up! Beware!
    Oh, and consider when the last time was that the government told you the truth!

  7. @an ol ex jarhead

    That is a HELL of a GOOD POINT.

    Rachel Carson killed African Children with Malaria & Starvation.

    Then the great white hopes replaced sent mosquito nets.

    The Starving Africans figured to re purpose the nets for fishing but inadvertently dragged up fish eggs. Now depleting fish stocks.

    White Liberals FUCK EVERYTHING UP! Always!

    Source: New York Times 2015/01/25
    Titled: “Meant to Keep Malaria Out, Mosquito Nets Are Used To Haul Fish In.

    Short video as well.

  8. “Why can’t you just follow the science as explained by the experts, even if they change their minds more often than you change your socks? To not follow them means you are a science denier!”


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