NRA’s Wayne LaPierre – “How many lives would have been saved if Chuck Schumer kept his promise? They are liars to the core.” – IOTW Report

NRA’s Wayne LaPierre – “How many lives would have been saved if Chuck Schumer kept his promise? They are liars to the core.”

LaPierre at CPAC shows a clip from 25 years ago of Schumer shaking his hand on a promise that mental health records would be included in a database for background checks when purchasing a gun.

I’m positive this database would be used politically, and anyone who thinks transgenders are not real women would be deemed the mentally ill one, but that’s besides the point.

The point is that Chuck Schumer is a lying shack of sit.

The left does nothing in its pursuit of “common sense gun control.”

ht/ Bad Brad

21 Comments on NRA’s Wayne LaPierre – “How many lives would have been saved if Chuck Schumer kept his promise? They are liars to the core.”

  1. I’m sure such a list would’ve ALSO been used to disqualify mental midgets from holding elected office. Ergo, he and the democrap party, would all L-O-N-G be stuck somewhere in an unemployment line by now… 😳

  2. Dana Loesch is a Never Trumper but she is strong pro-2A. Gotta give her credit for showing up at CNN’s kangaroo court AstroTurfed propaganda fest to push back against the gungrabbers.

  3. When juveniles become violent, they should no longer be shielded from public view. The records need to follow them all their life. As it is today, juveniles are protected in court and their violent records get expunged. When they turn 18 and want to buy a gun, nobody knows about their past.

  4. I am a Benefactor member, the three kids all got Life memberships from me when they were born and I am a Gun Owners Of America Life member. Let’s hope other gun owners start pulling their own weight and contributing to the degree that they can.

  5. If you guys purchase life memberships on installment I think you can go $25/quarter until it’s paid off. That is how I bought my Life membership thirty years ago. That makes it about $7/month commitment for a few years.

  6. Jimbo, I agree — watched the whole speech and couldn’t stop cheering out loud. Wayne killed it (no pun intended). While I have some big concerns about the database idea, Wayne came out fighting and didn’t stop. I loved it. Same with Dana Loesch last night on CNN. She did a great job. Thank goodness we have some fighters!

  7. What I’ve (I bring extreme prejudice) never been able to understand is if you’re a gun owner how can you not be a member of the NRA? Without that organization we would have lost the ability to own firearms many years ago.

    I too got both the kids life memberships at birth so now the medical community has a doctor and a nurse who are life members. To the chagrin of many of their fellows in the medical profession…

  8. Jimbo, just finished watching his speech. Totally awesome. I want to tie up everyday libs and make them listen to the speech. DH reads the mag and said his columns are always really good.

  9. EVER TALKED TO A PSYCHIATRIST? –no gun for you, that will be on the mental health list.

    Ever been depressed? Ever have documented use of anti-depressants? Well, 1/2 the U.S. population is ineligible for a gun purchase. –As that will also be part of the mental health list.

    Ever tell a doctor something in private? That may be forwarded to the mental health check list too.

    Be careful what you wish for, or every person’s info will be forwarded to a list and you won’t ever be able to purchase a gun.

  10. Aaaaaaaaaannnnnnnd let’s not forget how much of a service that screaming dickhead Biden did for the country when he introduced the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 into the Senate!!
    All that did was enable sickos to locate soft targets where there wouldn’t be any bullets coming back at them!!

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