Number of emotional support animals at Yale increased by 1400% in last year – IOTW Report

Number of emotional support animals at Yale increased by 1400% in last year

But effectiveness of animals remains unclear

College Fix: The number of emotional support animals at Yale University has reportedly skyrocketed recently, with 14 of them on campus this year, up from one the year before.

Not all Yale students are pleased with the trend.

One student who spoke anonymously with The Yale Daily News complained about persistent barking from two emotional support dogs who live in his dorm: “It can be really annoying…They bark at each other and interact with each other, and then they will be barking for like 10 minutes on end,” he said.

But the school is staying silent on the matter. The College Fix reached out to Yale for comment on their emotional support animal policy, and whether any scientific research demonstrated the effectiveness of these service animals. Yale did not respond. read more

18 Comments on Number of emotional support animals at Yale increased by 1400% in last year

  1. Emotional support is what the silly snowflakes need. They think a pooch or a kitty will replace God. This is total idiocy.

    We all love our pets, but a pet is not our God.

  2. It must be embarrassing when an emotional support animal drops a smelly calling card at an inopportune moment, like during a lecture, on an plane, in a store, etc. But perhaps these people aren’t embarrassed by anything.

    This is a sick trend, brought to us by sick people.

  3. When I started working at a small college in 2012, I had never heard of emotional support animals. I was quickly introduced to the concept and by the time I left in 2015, they were everywhere!

  4. There were 3 ’emotional support’ dogs at my office last year. None of them were actually for emotional support, but since the office building wouldn’t allow them otherwise the owners simply got a doctor’s note.
    I like dogs so I didn’t mind. But it is absolutely abuse of the system, and with financial and other costs.

  5. If the dogs are barking incessantly, that belies the “support” aspect.
    Poor dogs, they deserve better than the people that use & abuse them.
    Dogs proffer true unconditional love and expect so little in return.

  6. When my parents and I were leaving Mother’s Day brunch at the local German restaurant, there was a woman sitting outside with a mini-Schnauzer that had an “Emotional Support Dog” harness on. I guess she wasn’t permitted in the restaurant with a dog. For shit’s sake. If you can’t even go to a restaurant without an emotional support animal, check yourself into a psychiatric hospital and be done with it.

  7. JDHasty:
    I was in the restaurant yesterday and during the short period I was there no less than four dogs (pets) were brought into the place. I walked in and ordered and paid for a breakfast sandwich from the display case was seated by the front door and fireplace. I had a few bites of my sandwich and went to use the restroom and on the way pass a woman with yet another dog, this one was standing on a woman’s lap w/it’s front feet on the table licking off a plate and your waitress had to see this. She was right there. I used the restroom and left immediately.

    Please refund my Discover Card

    (1) Except as specified in subsections (2) and (3) of this section, live animals may not be allowed on the PREMISES of a FOOD ESTABLISHMENT.

    WAC 246-215-06570: Methods—Prohibiting animals (2009 FDA Food Code 6-501.115).

    Hello John,
    Axxx Cxxx here in response to your disagreeable restaurant experience at our cafe this last Sunday.
    We will of course refund your money onto the discover card you used. The cafe reopens on Wednesday and you can reach both Mxxxx and myself via house phone at 206 xxx xxxx.. anytime after 9 am… As a baker Iam usually there until about 11.. am , Mxxxx until about 1 pm.
    There are several “anxiety therapy” canines that frequent our establishment… believe it or not there’s even a miniature pony that sometimes pays a modest visit … to the delight of our customers young and old..
    I understand that your experience was unfortunately colored by some of our “animal” patrons.. to the degree that a financial refund was not only relevant , but necessary.
    I look forward to your phone call Wednesday and will return your money promptly…
    Thanks again for your earnest input as to your experience at Snapdragon ..
    Axxx Cxxx

  8. get a damn goldfish.

    I have a lot of allergies. It was a Godsend when they banned smoking in restaurants. So I could eat out without vapor locking. Now this crap is going on. Had a lady bringing a dog to church (emotional support at church? has to be a joke there somewhere) so I switched parishes. Now I leave any food place that has a dog present. Not worth it.


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