Numbers show many aren’t participating with ObamaCare – IOTW Report

Numbers show many aren’t participating with ObamaCare

ONN– It has been reported that taxpayers forked over more than $1 billion to pay ObamaCare penalties this year. Other issues are aggravating the situation.


According to the Washington Examiner, NPR, and other news outlets, the individual mandate in ObamaCare generated about $1.5 billion from around 7.5 million people this year. The individual mandate is the federal government’s requirement that virtually everyone living in the United States have some form of health insurance. Those who choose not to have health insurance and/or fail to qualify for an exemption are expected to pay a tax penalty. This was the first year that penalty was exacted.

Pete Sepp, president of the National Taxpayers Union, says the numbers suggest there is either more confusion or less compliance with the Affordable Care Act than had been originally thought.  MORE

10 Comments on Numbers show many aren’t participating with ObamaCare

  1. My insurance guy told me that NM is in for a 50% increase in premiums next year. Texas is in for a 35% increase. Who wants to participate in Zero’s craptastic healthcare. Just look at what the d*ck has in store for the elderly on Medicare next year…

    How Uncle Sam plans to cheat Granny out of health care | New York Post

    Anyone with a grandparent that needs a hip replacement or knee replacement should seriously think about doing it this year cuz ya’ll know that the money for zerocrapcare has to come from somewhere.

  2. Obama is completely focused on destroying this country. Dnesh DeSousa has it down. Mohammed Obama is out for revenge for his drunken, leave your kid, father.
    Iam really frightened by this little jug eared mother fucker.
    And no matter how rough he is ari=ound the edges, TRUMP HAS THE BALLS TO STAND UP TO THESE PC ASSHOLES!
    Lindsay Graham dares to call anyone a “jackass”?
    If you look up “jackass” in the dictionary, that little fags picture is right there.

    ASSHOLES go into politics.
    Trump may be a little nutty, but he is the only man with the BALLS to turn this around.
    I am behind any man who will at least try to stop the circle jerk.
    Fuck you, Linday Graham, you Jackass! (thank you Ann Barnhardt(.

  3. I’ve been wondering what the number of people who simply ignored any questions pertaining to medical insurance on their 1040s and see it’s 5 Million that they’re admitting to.

    I was one. I wonder how true that number is and how many were forced to pay the penalty by having it deducted from any money owed.

  4. It all stems from B. Insane Obama’s degenerate father’s Mau Mau background. Old Barry Sr. taught, with help from his Marxist wife, little corrupt Barry to hate white people and he is out to prove it!

  5. But, but but it’s the law! The SlimeOcraps told us everything would be hunky dory and everybody, including their third cousin on their mother’s side living in Albania, would get full free coverage, let alone all of Mexico! What has happened to the Marxist Nirvana?

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