Numerous Idiots Commit Check Fraud Over the Weekend Against Chase Bank – IOTW Report

Numerous Idiots Commit Check Fraud Over the Weekend Against Chase Bank


An apparent “glitch” at Chase Bank that allowed people to withdraw large amounts of money from their accounts without having the funds has gone viral on social media.

According to social media users, some people exploited a system error to withdraw money after depositing fake checks into their accounts or after applying for large loans at Chase Bank ATMs. More

This gentleman explains how the scam works and how bank customers are wrecking themselves. Watch

16 Comments on Numerous Idiots Commit Check Fraud Over the Weekend Against Chase Bank

  1. 1) Tell a machine that is taking a video of you the whole time who you are and prove it with a PIN.

    2) Use the machine that you are actively proving who you are to, to rob the bank of funds you know darn well arent yours.

    3) Dont be surprised when the cops show up since you robbed a bank with indisputable proof that you entered yourself that you did it.

  2. Go on take the money and run… hoo hoo hoo

  3. A lot of that demographic thinks of this as ‘found money’, like the bank f’d up and just left that money sitting there – it’s the bank’s mistake so they’re the ones who have to pay. Their sense of entitlement is unreal.

    I was in the park one day about 50 years ago, when I looked down and found myself literally standing on a 20 dollar bill. I glanced around to see if anybody was watching, snagged that double sawbuck right into my pocket and went on my merry way.

  4. Mostly stupid Ns doing this. And many of them are so goddamn stupid that they’re actually posting videos of themselves committed felony bank fraud (a federal crime).

    You can have a functional, trust based society, or you can have a lot of black people around. But you sure as hell can’t have both.

  5. Just another sign of the end of days is upon us. Such rampant immorality is a sure sign of Satan on earth.

    IOTW critters regardless of faith are prepared to meet your Savior although I strongly recommend Catholism just to be on the safe side.

    Love and prayers to you all.


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