NY: de Blasio’s Snitch Line gets trolled with memes and obscene gestures – IOTW Report

NY: de Blasio’s Snitch Line gets trolled with memes and obscene gestures

Daily Mail UK:

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s text hotline for New Yorkers to snitch on social distance violators is suspended after being bombarded with prank memes and VERY rude pictures.

  • NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio was forced to temporarily close his coronavirus ‘snitch hotline’ as the service was inundated with messages from trolls
  • De Blasio unveiled the controversial scheme on Saturday, urging New Yorkers to text 311 to report anyone violating the state’s social distancing rules
  • However, the response didn’t quite go to plan as aggrieved members of the public criticized the ‘tyrannical overreach’ the hotline posed
  • The number was them flooded with prank calls, pictures of genitalia and memes likening de Blasio to Adolf Hitler within hours of its launch
  • City Hall confirmed  they were forced to temporarily close the 311 text line on Sunday to clear out the backlog of unsavory messages from its sever 

Keep reading for the details

13 Comments on NY: de Blasio’s Snitch Line gets trolled with memes and obscene gestures

  1. Reading this article I discovered that many of the citizens of that benighted city are not ready to become snitches for the fascist mayor. I also learned a new word: coof, which is how someone with a sense of spelling humor referred to someone coughing in public.

  2. He is a very stupid man. Out of the hundreds of people that could have run for mayor, New Yorkers picked the dumbest one they could find.

    A good choice for rat-like humans that live in tenements and sewers.

  3. It’s way beyond me how some liberal commie can be voted into office by common-sense voting citizens….Unless, of course, the voting is rigged against the common-sense voters.

  4. When you ignore the input and concerns of the people you’re supposed to be serving, they’re going to find a way to let you know their displeasure. Can’t figure that out, huh?
    How fucking arrogant can you be, even for a NY’er?


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