NY Dem Senators Pull Strings To Get Muslim Athlete a VISA To U.S. – Athlete Charged With Sexual Assault of 12 Year-old While Here – IOTW Report

NY Dem Senators Pull Strings To Get Muslim Athlete a VISA To U.S. – Athlete Charged With Sexual Assault of 12 Year-old While Here


Mr Hussain was arrested on Wednesday after the girl’s parents reported the abuse to police, a report in the Adirondack Daily Entreprise said. The incident, according to the police, occurred  around Monday evening at a small village of Saranac Lake in New York, where the World Snowshoe Championships was held in February.

Police said he has been charged with sexual assault and endangering the welfare of a child…

Tanveer Hussain, who is from Kashmir, had garnered much attention before arriving for the championship after the US Embassy in New Delhi denied him visa along with another athlete Abid Khan around the same time President Donald Trump had issued an order barring people from seven Muslim-dominant countries to the US. Though India was not among the seven countries, the denial of visa was seen associated with the Trump’s executive order.

 Mr Hussain was given visa following intense lobbying from local officials and residents in the Adirondacks, as well as by US Senators Kirsten Gillibrand and Charles Schumer.

12 Comments on NY Dem Senators Pull Strings To Get Muslim Athlete a VISA To U.S. – Athlete Charged With Sexual Assault of 12 Year-old While Here

  1. Charles Schumer should immediately resign from office and we should appoint a special prosecutor to look into Schumer’s ties with pedophiles. What did he know, what did he say, who did he have direct contact with?

  2. I wonder whether Fox will do a story on this outlining the part that Gillibrand and Schumer played. Force them into explaining their actions and proving that this wasn’t just a political stunt that cost a 12 year old girl a big piece of her childhood and possibly left scars for life.

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