NY man says he paid for food order but didn’t receive it because he’s not jabbed – IOTW Report

NY man says he paid for food order but didn’t receive it because he’s not jabbed

Becker News:

New York Police Department officers have shown time and time again that their loyalty is to the socialist mayors and to their paychecks and not to the Constitution of the United States.

One particularly glaring example is a man, reported by an independent photojournalist to be an unidentified U.S. Army veteran, entering a Panera only to be accosted by police officers for not complying with unconstitutional and unnecessary “vaccine passports.”

“A vaccination mandate and passport protester was arrested inside a Brooklyn Panera Bread restaurant after being refused service for not showing his vaccination status,” Shore News reported. “The man said he was not protesting, but was ordering food and even though he paid, did not receive his food. The man said he ordered the food and paid for it, but was refused service by the restaurant. Panera Bread did not release a statement regarding the incident which was shared to Twitter by Leeroy Press.” more

SNIP: WOKE inc. don’t call cops on rioters, but they do call them on the un-jabbed.

18 Comments on NY man says he paid for food order but didn’t receive it because he’s not jabbed

  1. I service a panera.
    I figured I would buy something one time to reciprocate business.
    $6 Cdn for a fucking danish. Fuck That

    $7 gets you a prosuito, cheese, & roasted red pepper sandwich at Longo’s down the street.

  2. Kcir – that Panera’s is just down the street from me. I was in there – once and never again. Overpriced swill. I’ve also been known to shop at that Longo’s.

  3. They (the government created entities) won’t allow you to eat. Because you are the “enemy” (of the government that created them — according to the government that created them). While they continue to funnel money back to the government that created them. To write off more sammiches (and bullets), for those that put actual hands on you (for the government that calls you “enemy”).

    Were they no longer there… you would lose what? Were they not buying bullets (and sammiches) for those “mostly peacefully” trying to kill you… you’d lose… what?

    Answer that. And be “mostly peaceful” (and far less stupid) about it.

  4. Kcir – Markham. Didn’t know Oakville had the same set-up. 😊
    Ontario in lockdown again. All the vaccinated and passported and phone coded are now back in the same boat as the unvaccinated. They’ve lost their elite “privileges”. That’s a shame.

  5. Hilda Matilda,

    There is a Chinese BBQ Takeout only at Leslie & Hwy#7 called KUM HONG BBQ Restaurant. Ducks hanging, BBQ pork (red) Roast Pork (Crispy) & the chicken wings (red) any of which can be ordered “on Rice” for $8.50 each. It’s right next to McPuke. It really is funny to see how many Chinese go to the McD while many of us Round Eyes are lined up to get the BBQ.

    They don’t speak any English except for $$$ but they are very nice. I sincerely recommend you make a trip Mon to Sat.

    Take out Only


  6. Panera used to be good.
    Now it’s small servings and thawed chicken. Yuck.

    Too bad more people with a big soap box aren’t asking why the powers that be are so adamant about getting everyone in the world shot up by big pharma.
    No shot or medication has ever been pushed liked this.

  7. Panera and Starbucks are designer food for the hip designer clothes crowd or the less hip wanna look hip by wasting money on over priced food. Probably whatever magazines they read a have ad’s in them.

  8. Have a cousin who became manager of a Panera Bread “pay-what-you-can” store. Long story short, after several months of operating in the red, the store closed down and he lost his job. A rabid liberal, he couldn’t seem to grasp the concept of why this happened.


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