NYC Mayor De Blasio Is Pretty PO’d At Cortez – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor De Blasio Is Pretty PO’d At Cortez



WFB: New York City mayor Bill de Blasio slammed self-described socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., NY) Friday over her opposition to Amazon opening a headquarters in the city.

“As a progressive my entire life — and I ain’t changing — I’ll take on any progressive anywhere that thinks it’s a good idea to lose jobs and revenue because I think that’s out of touch with what working people want.”

“I came up watching the mistakes of progressives of the past, unfortunately what happened in this city when it almost went to bankruptcy in the 1970s,” de Blasio continued. “I saw all the times progressives did not show people effective governance and all the times progressives made the kinds of mistakes that alienated working people.”  more here

26 Comments on NYC Mayor De Blasio Is Pretty PO’d At Cortez

  1. What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar II Disorder?
    During a hypomanic episode, elevated mood can manifest itself as either euphoria (feeling “high”) or as irritability.

    Symptoms during hypomanic episodes include:

    Flying suddenly from one idea to the next
    Having exaggerated self confidence
    Rapid, “pressured” (uninterruptable) and loud speech
    Increased energy, with hyperactivity and a decreased need for sleep

    Food for thought

  2. “Working people are very smart and very discerning. They want jobs, they want revenue, they want the kinds of things that government can do for them,” de Blasio added. “They understand they have to be paid for.”

    Yes working people are smart. The really smart ones however want the government to stay out of their lives

  3. de Blasio is pissed that he was out de Blasio-ed by Ocasio-Cortez.
    Impenetrably dense nihilistic totalitarians vying with each other over who can destroy New York not only first, but more completely.

    And New Yorkers stumble along with their thumbs up their asses thinking they’re being entertained!

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “As an idiot my entire life — and I ain’t changing — I’ll take on any other idiot anywhere that thinks it’s a good idea to lose jobs and revenue because I think that’s out of touch with what working people want.”

    He recognizes the damage progressivism causes, but he ain’t changing!

  5. Let me get this straight: Both DeBlasio and Cuomo campaign on a platform of hating anyone who makes more money than you. They whip their moronic NY base into a frenzy of anti-free market euphoria. Then, they are surprised that the imbeciles who voted for them drive the job creators out?

  6. “Working people are very smart and very discerning. They want jobs, they want revenue, they want the kinds of things that government can do for them,” de Blasio added. “How I got elected by all these ‘smart’ people is beyond me, being a progressive and all.”

  7. @ Moe Tom, et al – Call them what they all are:

    Marxist, Progressives, Leninist, Maoist,Stalinists, Troskyites, Benitos, Maduros, the Ches, the Fidels, the list is long…

    ALL ARE TOTALITARIANS and killers. Don’t let THEM be the only ones to use words and language!


  8. AOC, whatever. (Don’t take a position just because someone you can’t stand is on the opposite side. Border wall…?)

    Fact is, this wasn’t going to bring any significant number of jobs to NYC. These kinds of deals are the height of political corruption and they do need to stop.

  9. “As a Progressive, I’ve seen all the times our ideas lead to failure and ruin – but we press forward – knowing that such failure and ruin is attributed to the lack of money and the greediness of others, and not to our ideas themselves. In this way, we Progressives never face any consequences when our policies cause real harm to real people. It’s a great gig! I ain’t changing.”

  10. AOC may be smarter than we think she is. If she is suddenly a multi-millionaire then she truly has learned the way of the politician.

    Or, they may just pay her to shut her pie hole.

  11. I still think she’s destined to be one of the longest serving members of congress. Under-estimate her at your peril; look up to see who’s pulling her strings. The other bat-shit crazy harpies are long in the tooth, she’s a replacement. Hispanics have been replacing blacks as the favoured minority for years now.

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