NYC Mayor – “I gotta get new Yorkers to eat a plant base centered life” – IOTW Report

NYC Mayor – “I gotta get new Yorkers to eat a plant base centered life”

First shot fired by a prominent politician in the war against meat. Maybe they will compromise and allow you to eat bugs.

Who doesn’t see this? Who thinks Covid is not about control?

This happened fast.

45 Comments on NYC Mayor – “I gotta get new Yorkers to eat a plant base centered life”

  1. Eh, just a ploy to cut costs. When kids start showing up with their own lunches, the schools will cut back on food items…you know, so they can use that money to hire more tranny teachers, library books to promote their socialist agenda, drag queens to read to the students, etc.

  2. Why is this his business at all?? “I gotta…”

    You gotta do your job. You gotta stay outta my biz. You gotta drop dead. You gotta lot to learn. You gotta shut up before you get what’s coming to you, you stupid, leftist, fascist.

  3. NYC had a solid man running-Curtis Silwa would have been a great mayor. Too late now.

    I’m surprised that it took Adams this long to meat shame New Yorkers, usually a vegan lets loose within a few minutes. Funny, didn’t hear any of that shit in the campaign, musta missed that.

  4. During campaigns pols PROMISE to do what the people want but do whatever THEY want to do after being elected. Every elected official should be considered an employee, subject to firing for failed performance. We need to simplify the system of recalling (firing) them.

  5. This happened fast.

    No, it hasn’t. And, yes, that is important.

    For those that couldn’t maffs: It, may, look like a long, first (second?, third?) step. However, that’s only because it is the nine-hundred-and-something-th, consistent, step along the same path. There have been a few push backs. Single step push backs. There may be one here. (Stop giggling! It could happen!) But, if there is (hush!), that still leaves those that call you “enemy” nine-hundred-and-something steps along the thousand step path. They’re in a hurry because they see “the finish line” (the point at which they finish you). If you push them back a step, roll over, and go back to sleep.. or worse, push them back and throw your wallets to the regime’s loyal gunmen, to keep your neighbors quiet, so you can more easily go back to sleep… they will jump at the chance. Again. Your end is so, so, near. You can’t expect them to just wait. Again.

  6. GFY is going to become an ever bigger deal with these communistic douche bags. You do you homey and I will do me without your faggotish telling me how to do me. I got it and you need to GFY.

  7. Remember when Mayors managed the efficient running of cities governing policies? Where the hell did, they acquire responsibility for my health and diet? I thought that was the responsibility of the individual!

  8. “prominent politician”

    Is that some kind of racist dog whistle for scummy corrupt dirt bag? The non-cracker has been elected to one office in a shithole where the voters seem to have a collective IQ of room temperature. He hasn’t served two months yet and he definitely has aspirations to be another Whitmar, Newsome or Cuomo. He just isn’t there yet. Give him another couple months.

  9. The left accused President Trump of being a fascist without ever presenting an example. Now this clown is mandating what people can and can’t eat and the commie cry babies aren’t calling him a fascist?

  10. Really Adams?
    Who the hell are you to tell people how to eat. The only thing you gotta do is to be a real mayor instead of a kiss ass fringe woke activist. I guess being a police chief didn’t teach you anything about leadership or being a man. Most likely you got the job by being a brown nose all those years as a admin cop and never on the front lines. Make sense seeing how you acting now. New Yorkers are batting zero on their picks for mayors.

  11. I don’t believe New Yorkers voted this ugly stupid black primate into office … Voter Fraud is everywhere DemonCrats are in Power . all elected officials should issue their plans and can’t change it

  12. New York City elected him, they can have him. Being told how to live their lives is now second nature to the morons who always vote for the same kind of Democrat. Command, control, ban, mandatory. You get the point. I guarantee that in a few month’s you will be hearing people saying “this isn’t what I voted for”. Too late, fuckers. Just like with Biden. You all deserve what you have coming in the future. Hope you enjoy it. It will definitely be a long, dry fuck.

  13. ya and in the meantime this Adams guy got with the race supremacist Joe Biden recently with schemes to annihilate all blak and hispanic crak fiends by giving them free crak pypes. Same as the stand-in temporary NY gov Hochul woman put into place free shooting galleries, which are “supervised” by other druggies, for heroin junkies to shoot up in unbothered to avoid arrest and to discourage treatment and rehab.

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