NYT Opinion Piece Asks “What Do Democrats Do When They’re In Control? – IOTW Report

NYT Opinion Piece Asks “What Do Democrats Do When They’re In Control?

Red State

How did this ever get published? Seriously, this is a video that would get the New York Times’ human resources department involved. The liberal media has always bashed red states for being backward, poverty-ridden county bumpkin meccas. They hate these people. It’s in keeping with the progressive psyche. So, it’s a bit shocking that this video was made because it lobs a hand grenade into the tent—and kills everything inside. Who’s to blame for the inequality crisis in America? Well, I’ve always thought this issue was overblown by the left, but if we’re going to talk about it—it’s blue states. It’s liberal hypocrisy. More

11 Comments on NYT Opinion Piece Asks “What Do Democrats Do When They’re In Control?

  1. ^^^ That almost sounds like a palindrome…

    “Up To I saw, was I ot Elba”

    Just Home from 12 Days on the Road..Left Little Torch Key, and went all the

    way to Silverton, Colorado (Durango to Silverton is the scariest Road I’ve ever

    been on in My Life) Saw at least a hundred “Let’s Go Brandon” Signs including

    a Neon one in Waco that You could see for a Mile…Between San Antonio and

    Pecos I saw a Big Flag that said “Trump Won” Stopped at the Billy the Kid

    Museum in Fort Sumner….And His Grave (had a Beer with Him) Folks were all

    Conservatives…Even in “Everyone gets a mask” Albuquerque I ran into was a

    Normie….Roswell was My kind of Kitsch….It is Perfectly Cheesy.

    Sorry for the long rant…Back Home…First Cigar and proper Bourbon since I

    left. I wore Short pants the whole time…Even when it was 24 Degrees!!

  2. Raise taxes, institute massive regulations. Cause they’re so smaaaaart. We couldn’t exist with out their intelligence. If we ONLY knew how stupid we are, we’d vote communists. I mean Democrat. And the we could join the KKK. Yeah.

  3. Lib hypocrisy wrt housing, taxes, and education, OK, we all know that not practicing what they preach has been their calling card for 50 years. If you really want to criticize those guys, how about talking about the homeless crises, drug addiction, crime, filthy streets, blight, gas taxes, lawless election standards, and allowing illegal aliens to vote? They don’t mention these because they are untenable, indefensible, and they are endemic to blue state rule.

  4. I am 2/3 of the way through, and don’t mistake this for a conservative viewpoint. They are saying that things aren’t *liberal enough*. Zoning for single-family homes, regressive overall taxes – laws made by Democrats and they aren’t woke enough.
    Meanwhile, things are BETTER in red states – but they lack the self-awareness to consider what is making things better there. They are simply saying that Dems aren’t doing what they say they should do. Which is true, because Dem politicians are in it for the grift – not to actually help people. They just say that to get elected.

  5. The next town over from us is Cape Elizabeth, Maine. It’s known as a snooty place. It’s also where well to do leftist politicians reside. (Our town shares a state rep.) Women who’s husbands make big money.
    They are in fact the organizers and marchers who push for more “affordable” – subsidized housing. Always in our town or Portland.
    Well their City Council approved 46 unit subsidized housing apt building right on the main drag next to town hall.
    They are ticked right off.
    They’re fighting it.
    One said she pictured a couple of single family homes in town.

    This is so fun to watch.
    Typical leftist hypocrisy.
    Like everything they do.

    I’m sending this article to the Guv and Legislature.

  6. Hey, apparently Macy’s is racist according to libtard reasoning.
    I just got a text that my order is ready for pick up. I have to bring my govt issued id.

    Man, this is fun. You can spend all day finding their hypocrisy on display.


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