NYTs Weasel Says His Readers Are Too Dumb To Wade Through Global Warming Data – So, He Simply Says RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!! – IOTW Report

NYTs Weasel Says His Readers Are Too Dumb To Wade Through Global Warming Data – So, He Simply Says RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!

What a fecal weasel this guy is –>

After years and years and years of the NYTs telling us that their readers are the smartest on the planet, a global warming alarmist, who says we’ve been burning up in the last few “record setting” years, offers no concrete data to sift through because “numbers wouldn’t mean anything to the normal reader.”

Using this wormy shield, he offers no numbers, just a weird infographic that has ridiculous fields of dots moving in an upward direction, which he says is bad, very bad.

So, a climate scientist from the Federalist did his work for him. He offers data.

New York Times readers should read it, instead of being hoodwinked by these jackazzes.

11 Comments on NYTs Weasel Says His Readers Are Too Dumb To Wade Through Global Warming Data – So, He Simply Says RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!

  1. Political pseudoscience. Let’s talk about the economics. Taxing and regulating ourselves back into caves will only make environmentalists feel good about themselves.

  2. Ok, let’s not deal with all the numbers. How about the critical few?

    CO2 is only in the atmosphere in trace amounts (about 0.03%) and mankind only makes a tiny portion of that CO2 (about 3% of it).

    Mankind could disappear from the Earth entirely and the CO2 level would barely fluctuate.

    Thus, AGW is crap (and so is the NYT).

  3. Earth warms up, Earth cools down. Earth warms up, Earth cools down. It’s a cycle that’s been going on for hundreds of millions of years, at least. Or about 6000 years, if you’re a Young Earth Creationist.


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