NZ: Mosque In Christchurch Shootings Tied To Radical Islamic Terrorists – IOTW Report

NZ: Mosque In Christchurch Shootings Tied To Radical Islamic Terrorists

OAN: New evidence is emerging that several people may have been converted to radical Islam at the Al Noor mosque in New Zealand.

One America’s Pearson Sharp has more on how several members of the mosque went on to join the terror group Al-Qaeda.

11 Comments on NZ: Mosque In Christchurch Shootings Tied To Radical Islamic Terrorists

  1. Radical Islam, does that compare favorably or unfavorably with moderate Islam. Isn’t moderate Islam like a gateway drug to radical Islam? It all needs to be boxed up and sent back to the sand in North Africa and the Mideast.

  2. So you COULD ban mohammedans.

    OR you COULD ban fascist eco-TARDS.

    But the NZ version of Occasional-Cortex, decides to ban IN-animate objects, instead. 🙄

    Easier than doin’ your damn job, huh? 😡

  3. Offhand, I’d venture that virtually all Mosques in the west that cater to imported Muslims are tied to Islamic terrorists in one way or the other.

    Never forget: Muslims come here to dominate, not assimilate.

  4. Shouldn’t the adjective “radical” be reserved for referring the the small minority of Muslims that are not obsessed with killing. They would seem to be the radical Muslims, widely departing from the norm.

  5. How exactly does a “normal” person become radicalized? I can understand how inbred, 7th century shithole inhabitants could be but how do Christians or Buddhists or anyone NOT from a third world shithole become radicalized?
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell


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