Chanel Rion of OAN-
Listen to this great question @ChanelRion of @OANN
— Heather Champion (@winningatmylife) March 19, 2020
Is it alarming that major media players are are consistently siding w foreign state propaganda, Islamic radicals, and Latin gangs and cartels, and they work right here at the White House with direct access to you and your staff.
ht/ c. steven tucker
Bonus clip —>
— Heather Champion (@winningatmylife) March 19, 2020
You’re actually sitting too close. We should really probably get rid of Another 75-80% of you
“Hgets dee runs wheen hee iss sout of dee boarders”
…great question, true, in terms of shining a light for those not too blind to see.
Unfortunately, the enemedia siding with evil against the President happens too often to be alarming anymore.
Now, it is merely expected…
The third video at the very end he says “you’re all sitting too close we should probably get rid of most of you, U2 should leave immediately”
Dude, Trump is a comic genius.
I’m getting tired of the badgering questions about test kits. How can you have test kits ready and made for everyone for a disease that was hidden for a time and then pounced in only a month or so? Magic, I guess?
Look at the asshole in front of her squeem and squirm.
Swamp rat in training.
“You’re sitting too close.” – HAAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Look at the DownJones number in the bottom corner of that last video
– 19,975 – Under 20,000
There is zero doubt that the market has been beaten down so so badly because the Democrat Media Mafia is hyper-hyperventilating-hyping every possible negative aspect of the situation.
– The media is costing us real money.
– For the Democrat Media Mafia to say they are not our enemy is an outright lie.
They are our enemy.
Also, Chanel is awesome. She has great interviews with the Ukrainians who Joe Biden got fired for investigating Burisma.
Wave a magic wand.
Ghost nailed it. As Butch Cassidy (movie) said, “look at that guy up front”
And have you noticed that OAN has the hottest news babes on TeeVee? But I go there for the news.
I know that we would like to see President Trump kick them all out, but he needs a foil and they play the part very very well.
It is fun to watch. I think he likes it.
He beats them and beats them but they keep coming back for more.
(I know that it pisses him off)
MJA, couldn’t agree more. The interview series she did on that trip with Mr. Mayor were excellent.
That girl is fierce, smart, relentless in pursuit of a story’s facts, and definitely going places! Will be fun to watch her career blossom.