Turning Point USA “terrified” CMU Professor – IOTW Report

Turning Point USA “terrified” CMU Professor


A professor at Central Michigan University (CMU) told student members of Turning Point USA (TPUSA) that she is “terrified” of their group, and that she tears down TPUSA posters whenever she sees them as “an act of civil disobedience.”

“I’ve known about [TPUSA] longer than you have, so you’re responsible for the organization you are a part of, and I just, I need you to know that,” said CMU professor Sara Moslener to two students involved with the TPUSA group on campus — according to audio obtained by Breitbart News. More

16 Comments on Turning Point USA “terrified” CMU Professor

  1. well I’m ‘terrified’ of that mug & as an ‘act of civil disobedience’ I feel compelled to slap the shit out of it

    what say you, unhealthy obese ‘teacher’ of limited brain function?

  2. So. Lessons learned from professors and teachers. Don’t be surprised when students do the same thing to your beloved “institutions”, tear down and destroy posters and notices as “an act of civil disobedience.”

  3. Why do asshole progressives — especially those on the dole at colleges and universities — feel the urge to go around telling people “you need to know that!” What’s with that!? I’m always hearing it and it sounds like their way of making themselves some kind of expert on the subject.

  4. “… and that she tears down TPUSA posters whenever she sees them as “an act of civil disobedience.””

    She admits to censorship, violating the students’ First Amendment Rights, and vandalism – but keeps her job?

    How is that? Why is she of a “protected class?” Come to think of it, why is there a “protected class” in a classless society?

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Assistant Professor of Religion. She must be trying to raise her profile to make tenure. Her “thing” is sexual purity. She believes that “sexual purity” was invented by evangelical Christians in the US, ignoring the thousands of years of traditions from all cultures on this matter. Some scholarship.

    BTW It is not civil disobedience unless you are violating a law to demonstrate its injustice. Ripping up a poster by a private group is just vandalism.


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