Obama Administration Official Confirms Obama Spied On Trump – IOTW Report

Obama Administration Official Confirms Obama Spied On Trump


This is stunningly interesting and hopefully will be picked up by MSM and congressional investigators.

Sometimes when a person is deep inside an echo-chamber of like-minded ideologues, they  might not realize what they’re saying is rather revealing to those on the outside. That’s the set up for former Obama administration official Evelyn Farkas (Deputy Asst. Secretary of Defense) appearing on MSNBC and admitting first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on candidate and president-elect Donald Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use.

It would appear Ms. Farkas was so caught up in the discussion, she didn’t quite realize the significant admissions she was making about the Obama administration spying on Donald Trump’s team and generating classified intelligence for Ms. Farkas (and others) to spread to Capitol Hill politicians.   MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski recognized the ‘oh-snap’ admission and tried to play it off,… but by then it was too late.


ht/ All Too Much

27 Comments on Obama Administration Official Confirms Obama Spied On Trump

  1. She is screwed, as is everyone that she just outed, she will be called in front of Congress to name names or go to jail.
    Everyone that she has talked to is going to be called before congress.
    Schiff just crapped his pants. What a unforced error.
    Thank you God.
    The left thinks they can get away with anything.

  2. D.C. at one time was the murder capital until shitcago overtook it. D.C. has no desire to keep the murder rate down…..comes in real handy when someone needs to be silenced….a good old fashion “unsolved” mugging/murder. Happens all the time.

  3. Mika Brzezinski must have wet herself when Evelyn Farkas dropped this bombshell. Evelyn was like a 3rd grader at show and tell about the time she walked into the bedroom and saw her her mommy and daddy wrestling under the covers.

  4. Look at her eyes, she’s “Amped-up” on something. People on powerful stimulants often run at the mouth without thinking about what they’re saying, even if it incriminates them.

  5. @Plantsman…lol

    I stopped in Mykonos twenty years ago. That was the gayest place I had ever been to. Even gayer than SF. I can only imagine how flaming it must be now. Wait’ll they get some muslims washing up on the beach. That should be dramatic.

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