Obama arrives late for ‘moment of silence’ – IOTW Report

Obama arrives late for ‘moment of silence’

WashingtonTimes: President Obama walked in late Sunday on a moment of silence being held by world leaders in Turkey to honor the victims of Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris.

obama late to silent vigil for paris

Reporters traveling with the president said Mr. Obama had not yet arrived when other world leaders at the G-20 conference in Turkey began their silent observance around a large conference table.  read more

39 Comments on Obama arrives late for ‘moment of silence’

  1. In a reference to the Syrian refugee crisis, he said “society has not passed this exam with good grades.”

    Thanks for the scolding. Now. Continue unraveling…

  2. The world disappoints him yet again….

    “I didn’t set a red line, the world set a red line,” Obama said. “My credibility is not on the line. The international community’s credibility is on the line. And America and Congress’ credibility is on the line…”

  3. President Shit for Brains cannot even be on time with a thousand staff to get him there.
    He is not a President, he is a mortal embarrassment.
    WHEN, not IF we are attacked that blood will be directly on his hands.
    I hope he meets the same end as Benito.
    Only longer lasting and way more gruesome.

  4. This wasn’t terrorism it was just workplace violence again.

    Nothing to see here. ISIS isn’t Islam. This is just an isolated local incident, nothing to get riled up about.

    Just more gun violence. Need more laws, but the republicans are preventing my agenda.

    Oh, wait, this was in France? I have no authority there? They already have strict gun laws?

    Hmmm… Bush’s fault then.

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