Obama Burns $700 Million Promoting Homosexuality Abroad – IOTW Report

Obama Burns $700 Million Promoting Homosexuality Abroad

In a demonstration of cultural imperialism, the Obama Administration has made it U.S. foreign policy to harangue and even punish the nations of Sub-Saharan Africa for not being gay friendly.



The result has been increased repression of homosexuals, greater animosity towards the U.S. and handing Muslims the perfect recruitment tool who can now tell their followers to join the Jihad to fight the exportation of our decadency.



26 Comments on Obama Burns $700 Million Promoting Homosexuality Abroad

  1. I never thought I’d admit to it, but Putin has more credibility than obongo. I’m not saying I believe what Putin says, just that his statements are more believable.
    Sad commentary on the state of affairs we find ourselves in.

  2. Think about that — that’s 700 U.S. citizens who could have been millionaires. Think about that times whatever it takes to make a billion…and so on and so on. Trump should fire all those yahoos and just give the money back to us.

  3. This has been in the news for a while — at least the last year — and I posted a story to the BP quite a while ago about this. Along with pushing “gay rights” (something, apparently, near and dear to The Won), HIV/AIDS is on a steady and sharp rise in Africa as a result. Many of these countries through the help of various charitable health orgs, were beginning to feel like they were getting a handle on the spread of STDs, including HIV, but along comes obama and his “agenda” and its all spiraling out of control again. I used to pray for him to see the light, but now I just hope he rots in hell. No one is this stupid — so his agenda is deliberate and he is purely evil.

  4. I still don’t understand it. We had two great friends back in the early ’90s who kept it to themselves. One “strayed” and killed both of them. Obozo has no business doing this to primitive nations. Since they banned DDT, it’s been great for them! Oh wait, not so much…

  5. This is what Political Correctness and the Obamboozler sanction and encourage! It is a sickness, but anyone who calls it that is castigated for it! This is simply one more from of social engineering on the part of these Communists and is just another example of how twisted our society has become to let 1.5 % of the population tell the rest of the nation what is “normal” and acceptable. My mindset is “live and let live”. If yer a homo I don’t want to hear about it, see it or be told how normal it is! Keep it to yourself!

  6. Welcome to the “Barry is a deviant, maniacal manipulator” club. Those who think he’s stupid or incompetent are being duped. Obama knows exactly how to stifle freedom and liberty. I’ve been shouting from the roof tops Obama is a communist operative since I watched his DNC National Convention speech in 2008.

  7. Who in Congress voted to approve this budget item?
    What other country has spent money to promote homo activity in another country? My guess is none. But I can think of some that may have.

    The one percent who allegedly control half of the wealth is much less worthy of being protested than the 2% of the population that is homosexual that want to force their view that it’s normal behavior on the other 98 percent of the world. There’s a reason most cultures and religions worldwide throughout history have found it best to make it taboo.

  8. there are over 400 American families trying to adopt Congolese orphans who are being put on hold over African fears that include that the children will be handed over to homosexual couples upon entering the U.S. Anyone wonder why?

  9. I pray for a Saul/Paul “Road to Damascus” conversion, if it’s God’s will. Then I pray that, since God knows Obama’s heart, that if O won’t convert, that God will kill him in a way that will show the world that he was damned.

    A lightning strike will do nicely.

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