Obama calls for gun control in wake of ‘senseless’ S.C. church murders – IOTW Report

Obama calls for gun control in wake of ‘senseless’ S.C. church murders


President Obama Thursday called the murders at a historically black church in South Carolina “senseless” and used the tragedy to renew his call for gun control.

obama points

“I’ve had to make statements like this too many times,” Mr. Obama said at the White House. “It is in our power to do something about it. I say that recognizing the politics of this town foreclose a lot of those avenues right now. But it’d be wrong for us not to acknowledge it.”  

[ Snip: Except for when it’s Muslims doing it. Then it’s just some run of the mill “workplace violence”]

The president also said the U.S. must “reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence doesn’t happen in other advanced countries.”


[Snip:  Except for all the countries that have large populations of Muslims in them, who are mass-murdering women, gays, Christians… You know, the ones HE calls “advanced”.   I’m pretty sure England and France are “other advanced countries” too, no? No one is allowed guns there! ]


50 Comments on Obama calls for gun control in wake of ‘senseless’ S.C. church murders

  1. The fact is that some mentally disturbed person committed a crime. Instead of focusing on that he talks about Racism and how gun violence only occurs in OUR Country. Maybe he should move.

  2. The same number of people died in Chicago (your home town) last week, and guns aren’t allowed there. Where was your righteous indignation then, Mr. Obama?

    Oh, right. The killers weren’t white.

    Some people look at tragedy like it’s a city bus: They hop on when it’s heading where they want to go.

  3. What’s that? A bunch of unarmed law-abiding people were killed by a gun-wielding lawbreaker? Well, we better make it harder for law-abiding people to own guns, and quickly!

  4. Did he call for a knife ban or a ban on muzzies after that dude hacked that white womans head off in flyover county? No? Oh, that;s right, he sent a couple of WH advisors to his mosque to show support for black muzzies….

  5. The church related shooting in South Carolina this morning is a sad travesty to be certain, and there is no excuse under God’s sun for it to have happened, but I present one question; would there have been such a high number of deaths had the members present that day been armed?

  6. All the gun laws needed are already on the books. Funny thing though, for some reason criminals don’t seem to obey any of those laws. Maybe if we increased the minimum wage, or legalized pot, or made it ok for criminals to use the lady’s restrooms. I know, lets disarm all the law-abiding citizens and maybe then the criminals will see how nice everything is and just stop shooting people …

    Fucking communist bastard!

  7. Probably, but carrying in a church in SC is pretty much illegal:

    A permit issued pursuant to this section does not authorize a permit holder to carry a concealable weapon into a:

    (9) church or other established religious sanctuary unless express permission is given by the appropriate church official or governing body;

    So, you have to ask permission twice; once from the state and once for the particular church.

  8. Agreed. And not only fewer people might have died, but the act might not have been attempted at all had a prospective gunman feared some concealed-carries in his midst. Armed citizens among us is a powerful deterrent.

  9. Right on top of the sitcheeation…..
    Once the image of the bowl haired whitey with the Moose inspired grin was splashed across the media, Li’l O got on his moped and floored it to NBC.

  10. He had a gun, they had no guns, if everyone had no guns, or if everyone all had guns, would this tragedy have occurred?

    This is a direct result of the liberal “balkanization” of America. Criticize someone of a different race or color, you are a racist unless the criticism is directed to a white person. We cannot address urban problems because, well, a lot of those problems are in areas primarily populated by black or hispanic people. Whites need to shut up because of white privilege. Black people can riot and cause property damage, injury and death because they have a right to do this. You can’t criticize Muslims because … but feel free to insult Christians all you want. Gays must be loved, and the sexually fucked up must be catered to or called courageous and allowed to use facilities formerly restricted to females. Women can charge rape under virtually any circumstance involving sex, or sometimes even without sex, unless the perpetrator is non-white. And on and on and on – everyone is a victim, most people are part of an oppressed class and the aggressors are boiling down to white males with jobs.

    This guy killed a lot of people apparently only because they were black. Getting rid of guns does not, in any way, address the problem that this person hated other people because they belonged to another group defined, in this case, by race. This problem of segregating and identifying America by defined special interest groups is not only not being addressed by liberals, but is actually a policy being advanced by liberals. Liberals want our melting pot to separate again, and once people become used to being pigeon holed and marginalized, I think you will see more and more of this type of violence.

  11. barry preaches deceit at the alter of racism, inequality and division, then wonders why a mentally unbalanced person jumps off the deep end.

    obama reaps the unintended (or was it intended) consequences and blames an inanimate object (guns).

  12. Boy for a Constitutional Lawyer he just doesn’t seem to grasp the second very well. If it were me, I would allow those whacked hair cuts. You can’t tell me that doesn’t have something to do with it.

  13. Cars kill hundreds of people a day. Time to confiscate cars, starting with Bloomberg’s fleet. Then onto Kerry, then that limp wristed fag who runs Chiraq, Rham something, then the wide loads they use to haul Mooche’s fat ass around in. Then go to the employee parking area of the NYTs, confiscate all those too.

  14. You cannot enslave an armed populace.
    You can bankrupt them, encumber them with onerous regulations, incite them to race-hatred and racial violence – but you cannot physically enslave them until they are disarmed.

  15. Ever see a gun, knife, baseball bat, or other potential weapon cause a problem unless one or more people were involved?
    Me neither. It’s time to cut to the chase.
    It’s time for PEOPLE control.

    Start by locking up the criminals and nut cases. Play it by ear after that.

  16. could he get a concealed carry permit? or even buy a gun?…these records would be open to the public….that’s why he doesn’t like guns….plus, he’s a big flamin’ pussy….nevermind…

  17. Obama uses the corpses of those slain as steps as he walks up to his anti-gun soapbox again. The liberty-hating, anti-gun freaks and the race-baiting leftist media love it that some deranged white lunatic took out nine black people in a church. It helps them push their anti-gun, anti-white agenda and falls right in line with their narrative. They don’t care about the lives lost in that church any more than they did about the Americans murdered in Benghazi.

  18. What we really need is Obama control, especially his mouth. Pass a law to restrict him to no more than 50, or less, words per day and ban his use of the words racist, racism, Americas dark past and white people!

  19. “I say that recognizing the politics of this town foreclose a lot of those avenues right now.”

    …that is not anywhere near a rational thought….let alone a coherent sentence…..

  20. “It is in our power to do something about it.”

    And it is within the power of ‘We The People’ to refuse to comply with your “power”.

    …..so go fuck yourself, Barack.

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