Obama calls widow of slain Texas deputy / Police want Obama to cool rhetoric blamed for violence – IOTW Report

Obama calls widow of slain Texas deputy / Police want Obama to cool rhetoric blamed for violence


Calls shooting ‘an affront to civilized society’

[…] “They put their lives on the line for our safety. Targeting police officers is completely unacceptable — an affront to civilized society. As I said in my State of the Union Address, we’ve got to be able to put ourselves in the shoes of the wife who won’t rest until the police officer she married walks through the door at the end of his shift. That comfort has been taken from Mrs. Goforth. So we must offer her our comfort — and continue to stand up for the safety of police officers wherever they serve,” Mr. Obama said.  MORE

Police want Obama to cool rhetoric blamed for violence

Say Black Lives Matter stirs climate of violence.

“Sadly, my sense is that the Black Lives Matter movement is almost entirely an anti-cop movement, and the conversation has to be bigger than that,” Mr. Hosko said. “Those proponents for Black Lives Matter should be bigger than that.”  MORE

17 Comments on Obama calls widow of slain Texas deputy / Police want Obama to cool rhetoric blamed for violence

  1. “completely unacceptable” is what you call an “F” on a kid’s report card. How about “Extremely hateful act of murder by an evil racist thug who was inspired by 0bama’s racist anti-America/anti-Cop agenda?”

  2. Where are all the Republicans calling out Obama as the politician responsible for all these tragedies?! You know, just like the Dems did in the past whenever there was a Republican President?

    Oh wait. They’re REPUBLICANS.
    Death to the GOP.

  3. He’s got to cool things down, at least until they can confiscate all our guns.

    I love the idiots calling this incident a reason for more gun control. Yeah, like a criminal with an illegal gun, who is willing to pump 15 shots into a peace officer at close range, would be deterred by more gun laws.

    I’d hope the widow told 0bama that he, Holder and the FTP/BLM thugs OWN this. However, she’s a Texas woman and, therefore, has a billion times more class than the Community Organizer In Chief. I’m sure she was polite.

  4. Ted Cruz called out Obama:


    “These are brave heroes who risk their lives keeping us safe. And I do think we’re seeing the manifestation of the rhetoric and vilification of law enforcement, of police, that is coming from the president of the United States and it’s coming from senior officials”

    “I’m proud to stand with law enforcement,” he said. “… We need a president who doesn’t attack and vilify them, and who doesn’t seek to tear us apart along racial lines, to inflame racial divisions.”

  5. Obama’s message to the widow is as limp as his wrists.

    Compare this message to the jump-to-conclusions response and the “heartfelt” passion to “not let up” message he gave regarding the deaths of Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, Eric Garner and Freddie Grey.

  6. It might – if enough of us would just remember and remind conservatives of the time when we were demanding that Congress do something during Obama’s first term. Fur did an image back then of congress leaving their spines hanging on the coat rack before going in to meet.

    Well, now we have someone with a spine. Ted Cruz stood up in the Senate to defund Obamacare, he called Mitch McConnell a liar on the Export-Import Bank deal, and now he is calling out Obama for his role in fomenting racial tension.

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