Obama Confirms He will Remain a Pr!ck – IOTW Report

Obama Confirms He will Remain a Pr!ck

Diogenes’MiddleFinger: With Ma Clinton rebuked and put away wet and the far left superstars Bernie Sanders and Lizzy Warren circling Political Jupiter somewhere, it looks like Barky will try and set himself up as the reasoned voice of the Democrats. When asked if he will be like former President George W. Bush and pledge to stay out of politics and not criticize decisions made by his successor his answer was no surprise for the guy who believed he was always the smartest in the room.

At a press conference Sunday in Lima the president said he does not believe he will be the last Democratic president, for a while, and made no promise to not speak up if he feels it to be “helpful” and “necessary” for him to comment on President-elect Trump’s proposals.   read more

24 Comments on Obama Confirms He will Remain a Pr!ck

  1. This guy Barry reminds me of a plugged up toilet. Not just one that won’t flush, but one that is so close to running over onto the floor that inserting a plunger will do just that.

  2. Although obarfy has put great stress on the MUTE button on my remote control it still works. And will continue to do so. You can flap your gums asshole. I have no obligation to listen.

    Go forth and continue to play bad golf.

  3. Of course he will try to “get back at” Trump, for destroying his “legacy”.
    But, my bet is that he will lose interest once he realizes he’s not the big noise he once was as POTUS.
    Speaking about shadenfreude, here’s something I just stumbled upon.
    Backstage on election night when the Clintoons thought she had won.
    Look at Bubba, jumping up and down like a little girl.
    But listen to the audio.
    Very disturbing stuff was apparently going on to try to save Hillary as the very latest poll results were coming it.

  4. Only a mentally deficient DemocRAT would believe that Barky would voluntarily withdraw from the public limelight! That bastard will continue to haunt us like blowflies and bedbugs haunt the unwashed and smelly Alt-Left demonstrators who are bought and paid for by Soro’s and the DNC!

  5. I would be surprised if Obama did otherwise. Narcissists rarely shut up and go away.

    BTW, that picture of him on Diogenes’ web site makes me think he’s starting to look more and more like Revrum Al Sharpton every day.

    Maybe it’s just the lighting, though.


  6. Obama is a narcissist. Anyone who can not see that after 8 years belongs to the personality cult of Obama; which, sadly, has only fed into Obama’s narcissism. Its an ugly circle.

    I believe trump is going to break that circle. trump was willing to hall in to MSM “news” people and call them to their faces “liars” which was a way of saying ‘the B.S. stops now; I’m not W. I will bitch slap back so lets be clear, it ends now’. Obama, who has been worshiped for the past 8 years will be in for a well earned rude awakening. I look forward to it.

  7. Rush just suggested Trump is letting Hillary get away with it because, in 8 (or 4) years the Democrats (or Federalists or Constitutionalists) might win the election and criminally investigate Trump!

    We are the good guys! We might make mistakes, but we don’t break the law like DemoNcrats!

  8. There is sufficient evidence to charge Obama with multiple counts of treason. If a Special prosecutor is appointed after inauguration, Barky may decide his hood doesn’t sniff as good anymore, and go hide in Chicago with Rahm.

  9. When his circle of admirers start wandering away, and they will, given human nature and lack of attention span, he will see he is no longer relevant. Plus, staying in DC will make him easier to find.

  10. Hosanna O’Bama the magnificent has never had anything going for him but some stupid appeal to the leftist ignorati.
    He’ll still have nothing but that.
    But, he’ll think he’s desirable.
    Notice a pattern ?

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