Obama delivered illegal immigrant children to predators – IOTW Report

Obama delivered illegal immigrant children to predators


WashingtonTimes: The Obama administration sent illegal immigrant children into “modern-day slavery” by turning them over to sponsors who forced them into child labor or subjected them to sexual abuse, members of Congress said Thursday as they demanded that top child protection officials explain how it could have happened.

Social workers don’t verify all sponsors’ identities, don’t make site visits to see the conditions they’re sending the children to, don’t insist on follow-up visits to see how the kids are doing and don’t consider serious criminal records — including child sex charges — automatic disqualification for hosting a child, congressional investigators said.  MORE

10 Comments on Obama delivered illegal immigrant children to predators

  1. So, what’s the problem? The Demonrats are the Party of Perversion, Pederasty, and Prevarication – this fits right in with their world view.

    Children are expendable, fuckable, pawns to them.

  2. As for the congress critters demanding anything,,, go pound sand…ask Gowdy how to do that if you are so ignorant as to not grasp the concept, CCritters….They make noise to APPEAR to be concerned, caring, pro-active…it is all pretense, smoke and mirrors, as they will NEVER do anything to disturb their gravy trains… The RINO establishment will crash and burn next November, and go out the door wondering WHY? WHAT WENT WRONG???

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