Things Obama doesn’t know – IOTW Report

Things Obama doesn’t know

The age of our country, for one.

obama fly

Conservative Post: A day after President Barack Obama’s abysmal State of the Union speech, he decided to go back into the ring to take some more swings at the Republican Party.

Obama spoke at the University of Nebraska Omaha and appeared to struggle to get the age of America right in his speech.

Shouldn’t a president know how old the country is that he heads? Not Obama.

17 Comments on Things Obama doesn’t know

  1. With all due respect to the president, he was using common core maffs. So he is correct. The country is anywhere from 200 to 50 years old. Move him up to the next grade.


    He still sucks.

  2. It’s a matter of priorities. Chum Gang brain doesn’t care how long ago America began. He’s only interested in the ceased to exist date, and his roll in bringing it about. My hope is that he fails.

  3. Barry doesn’t know his ass from a hole in the ground. Come to think of it, I can see the confusion, as there is little difference between the two….although it’s possible there could be SOMETHING of value in a hole in the ground whilst there is nothing in Barry but crap. So much so that his eyes are brown.

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