Obama Dumping 300 Million Dollars Into Kenya – IOTW Report

Obama Dumping 300 Million Dollars Into Kenya


The Obama administration is seeking to infuse another $306 million into HIV/AIDS treatment and prevention programs solely for the African nation of Kenya, where men who have sex with men, female sex workers and people who inject drugs “are considered key populations for intervention.”

..one of Obama’s long-term goals has been “to establish a social health insurance system to enable equitable provision of health care to all Kenyan citizens.”

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That’s the job of the Kenyan president.

I’m still waiting for “affordable care” in the United States.

ht/ rob e.


30 Comments on Obama Dumping 300 Million Dollars Into Kenya

  1. OK Congress Critters are back now. They MUST stop this faker prezzy and his giveaways. Arrest him and haul him off to secret interment camp. Get the truth with torture!

  2. Fuck Kenya.
    Fuck Africa.
    Fuck the World.

    America First.
    America Second.
    America Always.
    America ONLY.

    Kenya was a British colony – let them handle it.

    When ALL of America’s problems are solved, then we can think about others’.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The POTUS pending $300M of US taxpayer dollars?

    By whose authority?

    Nowhere in the Constitution is the POTUS given unlimited access to the Treasury.

    Completely illegal. But it’s gone on so long we have become conditioned to it.

  4. Of course Obongo wants to waste more money in his real homeland. The Trump Administration and the new Congress should freeze and defund all of these ridiculous programs, and spend some of this money in the inner cities. Why not spend this money hiring unemployed American citizens cleaning up Detroit, Chicago, Baltimore, and Washington DC? At least we would be able to actually see the results of our welfare payments, instead of just watching it run up our deficit.

  5. This low life Chicago piece of shit is trying to bankrupt his hated America and daring the House to defy him and apparently Paul Ryan is to chickenshit to call his bluff.

  6. “why would that asshole do this now?”
    Because he can. Congress won’t do shit. And anyone that believes this “foreign aid” really goes there is naive. It’s all going right into his pocket and the congress that has been complicit in his crimes.

  7. Seize all Obongo’s assets when he is gone after Jan 20th, until he pays back every stolen dollar from the US Taxpayers spent without Congress approval. That includes the cost of his secret service op as well, you know the ones who let the pervs sneak into the rented manses he uses and takes butt shots of his and michael’s ugly shitstained cracks.

  8. Paul Ryan needs to be removed, from Speaker and from DC. Same with missy lindsay, and john mcstain. Convict them on complicity to obstruct appointments, defraud the Treasury, and subversion of the President’s mandate.

  9. The street corner community organizer in chiefs should just illuminate the illusion of altruisms and just deposit the money in the Kenyon bureaucrats Cayman accounts.

  10. @norman einstein,
    No … well … yeah … they left my helmet off too long … and we were playing “dodge the bowling balls” and … uhh … well … I won …

    I butted it like a goat!

  11. I wonder if at least some of the cash is going to go through the Clinton Foundation who has been doing such stellar work in battling the African Aids crisis by doing business with companies that are selling watered-down AIDS medications that actually make the problem worse for the whole world. Yep, Slick Willy and Bathhouse Obama, they may hate each other but they love money more.

  12. Addicts always feel justified when stealing from you. They can come up the the darnedest stories.

    That no one in their right mind buys and easily sees through.

    The dude is stealing what he can and causing as much destruction as he can cram in while he’s there.

    It doesn’t take a genius to see this.


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