Obama Economist Kills Himself – IOTW Report

Obama Economist Kills Himself


Alan Krueger, a groundbreaking Princeton University economist who served as a top adviser in two Democratic administrations and was an authority on the labor market, has died, according to a statement from the university Monday.

The economist took his own life during the weekend, according to a separate statement from Mr. Krueger’s family that the university released. He is survived by his wife, Lisa, and two adult children, Benjamin and Sydney.

Mr. Krueger, 58, devoted much of his research to the job market and, in particular, to the impact of a minimum wage. His work concluded that a higher minimum wage did not generally slow hiring as many conservative critics have argued.

After serving as a Labor Department economist under President Bill Clinton, Mr. Krueger worked for President Barack Obama as a top Treasury official and then as chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers from 2011 to 2013.

In a statement, Mr. Obama credited Mr. Krueger with helping revive the U.S. economy after the devastating 2008 financial crisis.

“He spent the first two years of my administration helping to engineer our response to the worst financial crisis in 80 years and to successfully prevent the chaos from spiraling into a second Great Depression,” Mr. Obama said. “He helped us return the economy to growth and sustained job creation, to bring down the deficit in a responsible way and to set the stage for wages to rise again.”



41 Comments on Obama Economist Kills Himself

  1. “His work concluded that a higher minimum wage did not generally slow hiring as many conservative critics have argued.”

    That right there qualifies him as a complete and total fraud

  2. His economic advice during Obozos tenure killed our economy. Watching Trump bring it back by doing everything contrary to what he would do was probably more than he could handle.

  3. Six years of working for the Obamboozler, 58 years old and asking himself
    “Whut the Hell wuz I thinking?”
    Allan “Freddie” Krueger of Economics.
    Any “Economist” working in the Obamboozler’s administration would be like a lawyer haunting an Emergency room in the 70s!
    Can you say: “Recovery Summer”?

  4. @MJA
    Because that’s what the piece of papers from overpriced Cornell and Harvard said. Mommy and Daddy paid a lot of bribe money to get him in and through those schools…

  5. Requiescat in Pace Mr. Krueger. I am afraid you should have aligned yourself with better people and economics.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. Mr. Obama said. “He helped us return the economy to growth and sustained job creation, to bring down the deficit in a responsible way and to set the stage for wages to rise again.”

    Obama lies. It appears obama is smokin’ some good weed or doing hallucinogens….again.

  7. “He helped us return the economy to growth and sustained job creation, to bring down the deficit in a responsible way and to set the stage for wages to rise again.”

    So he worked for Trump, too? Because none of that happened when he worked for Barky.

  8. Yep barky, keep telling everyone you built that, sure you did, you just needed to go away before your plan would work.
    Shame isn’t his strong suit, how eles do you explain his wife with a package.

  9. Furthermore, Mr.& Mrs. Krueger have two children; Benjamin born in 1990, who worked in the White House Correspondence Office, and Sydney Michelle (b. 1992), graduated with a B.A in Psychology and neuroscience from Princeton in 2014, obtained her MA from Columbia in 2018 and is nowadays pursuing her Ph.D. in philosophy at Columbia.


    Hmmm, daughter attended Princeton and Columbia. I wonder where the son went to school or what school he’s attending? Why would a guy of his stature in economics do himself in?


  10. From the link, “His research extended to such issues as economic inequality and the consequences of opioid addiction for the job market.”

    He must have thought the opiod crisis was a legitimate concern.

    I didn’t see what killed him. Bullet? Pills?

    Wonder if he was found butt-up or head down?

  11. The story about the guy who died with meth up his butt while “partying” with another guy didn’t make the CNN news cycle….. Krueger didn’t know it would be his last miscalculation…

  12. Zonga MARCH 18, 2019 AT 9:07 PM
    The story about the guy who died with meth up his butt while “partying” with another guy didn’t make the CNN news cycle…..

    Krueger died of butt-sport?

  13. “Obama economist” = Mentally ill manic case conjuring up Rube Golberg style economic engines when he’s not playing with his secret Barbie doll collection. Not surprised at all.


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