Obama Lobbies for Claudine Gay – IOTW Report

Obama Lobbies for Claudine Gay

Jewish Insider

According to a source familiar with the matter, Obama, a Harvard graduate, had privately lobbied on Gay’s behalf as she faced pressure to resign in the wake of her disastrous appearance before the congressional hearing on antisemitism. “It sounded like people were being asked to close ranks to keep the broader administration stable — including its composition,” the source, who was informed of Obama’s outreach and asked to speak anonymously to discuss a confidential matter, told JI on Tuesday.

Obama’s office did not respond to a request for comment from JI. More

19 Comments on Obama Lobbies for Claudine Gay

  1. different Tim, they kind of look alike! When In hell is that FN Obama going to mind his own GD business. After eight years of that ass hole, I’ve had enough. Given his wife is half man, just shut up Obama nobody wants to hear anything you have to say.

    Maybe you should just go for a swim

  2. Obama Mama the Most popular “2 Term” President in recent times.
    Gay? Michael completely & irreputablly denies these claims.
    One might beg to differ about bragging rights using someone who was kicked to the curb after one term. But hey everyone loves a 5 yr ole with temper tantrums, loud mouth & who cries for his mommy.

  3. Of course Obama defends Claudine. After all, wasn’t he the DEI president of the Harvard Law review who never published anything?

    On the other hand, if he never published, then he did plagiarize. So there’s that. Too bad his records are sealed. Of course, if there was nothing to hide, we would see it.

  4. And that damn Presidential 🤮 portrait, his narcissist ass did that on purpose knowing that in a group of portraits his stands out.
    Kinda like shit in the center of the floor.

  5. Barack Obama, the former President of the United States, has been involved in various activities and endorsements, but I don’t have specific details about any lobbying efforts related to Claudine Gay or any recent updates since then.

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