Breitbart; Barack Obama is speaking out about how he wants to use the film projects he develops with Netflix to heal the political divide and tell America’s stories.
Earlier this week, Netflix announced it is partnering with Barack and Michelle Obama to develop original content for the video streaming giant. Initially, no real details were released — including the actual price tag of the contract. But three days later Obama has filled in some of the blanks about his plans, Business Insider reported.
Speaking at a Las Vegas tech conference hosted by cybersecurity company Okta, Obama waxed poetic about the “stories” Americans have to tell and said he wants to use his multi-year contract with Netflix to help “train the next generation of leaders.”
Barack Obama said he relied on “stories” to fuel his political career. “Everyone has a story that is pretty sacred” about their life, Obama said. Listening to people’s stories is what helped him better serve, he explained. more here
Oh shit!
Said the most divisive, racist, anti-American pResident in history.
nice work on the Morgan Freeman patina.
Like Killary, Barry will keep blathering until the end of his days.
It just doesn’t make a difference any more.
Designed to be picked up by a national network shortly after launch?
I can see it now: the CNN Truth-to-Power Hour starring Barry and his Babe.
Is Lebron James playing Michelle?
My avatar keeps disappearing?????
Season one:Episode Three
Mooch and Barry go on vacation to Kenya to look for his long lost birth certificate. The journey comes to an abrupt and hilarious end when Barry discovers that his Kenyan grandmother shredded it right before Barry ran for Preezydent.
Season one:Episode Four
Guest appearance by ValJar who teaches Barry how to use photoshop and adobe acrobat to create new social security cards and other forms of govt. ID. Hilarity ensues when Barry puts “African American” down for race instead of negro on his newly minted “1961” birth certificate.
Season one:Episode Five “Obama’s Legacy, I didn’t build that”
Barry buys large building in Chicago to use for his new Preezydential Legacy LieBarry only to find out it is a crack den, has been condemned by the city, and is scheduled for demolition. Special guest appearance by Don Trump Jr. who buys it from Barry for $1 and builds new Trump Hotel on vacant lot.
Season one: Episode Six “You dropped oBOMBa on me”
Barry, Mooch, Dennis Rodman, and bodyman Reggie Love fly to North Korea to join lil fat Kim on his NOKO Rocketmen basketball team. Hilarity ensues when Barry and friends are arrested at the lil fat Kim Rocketman Intl. airport because of drugs in Barry’s luggage.
When lil fat Kim offers to release Barry and friends back to the US in a show of good faith, President Trump tells Kim that if he wants a nuke deal, he’ll have to keep Barry and friends.
I just rolled my eyes so far back in my head I saw my brain.
Season one: Episode Seven “National Felons and Ladyboys”
Mooch and Barry go to see a Washington Redskins home game. Hilarity ensues when the Redskins’ star running back is ejected from the game for kneeling during the National Anthem and Mooch (aka Big Mike) grabs the footballer’s helmet and takes the field.
Mooch leads the Redskins to victory over the NE Patriots with 563 rushing yards and 7 touchdowns. Not to be outdone, Barry tries out for Redskin’s cheerleader squad and pulls his groin muscle.
BLM, Fascists, Racists, Socialists, Progressives, Communists, Green Peace, Illegal immigrants, Environmental and Islamic terrorists will have a forum with Obama and Netflix.
My Netflix Projects Will Help…Heal Our Political Divide
The political divide you were instrumental in creating?
Make up your damned mind, Barky!
We don’t want to “heal the political divide” between us and a bunch of whacked out socialists. We want to win.
Just what he said about what his Presidency would do. Plus lower the sea levels.
I think tons more conservatives should subscribe to Netflix and then not watch Obama productions.
No ratings, no show.
It’s not going to create the “buzz” the company is looking for. It will sound like a toilet after Netflix is flushed.
It’s good to have spies on the inside of such operations. I didn’t know Fur had that in his budget. $$$ well spent!!!
Can’t wait to hear the scripts for season two!!!
Fitting for the Kardashian former POTUS to make his millions on Netflix. Such a substantive guy (eye roll) going out on a limb like this.
The election of 0bama was wrapped in the promise of healing. He had 8 years to “bring healing.” Instead, he jabbed his finger into the chest of America, over and over; his glowing speeches, full of promise and rhetoric, but always opening up old wounds while inflicting yet more.
I guess that Netflix has decided they don’t want to do business with more then half the country….
I, I, I ,I, ME, Me Me, Me, Myself, Myself, Myself, Myself, I AM THE GREATEST!
The only “divide” Obama wants to fill, er, I mean heal, is the bathhouse boy bending over to pick up the soap.
Once upon a time in far away Kenya, a shill was born to a porn star and a drunk……….
Hey ASSHOLE, what you couldn’t do in 8 years won’t be accomplished in your lifetime. FU!!!!
Season one: Episode Eight “Share Crack with a Friend”
Barry and Mooch visit the Chicago bath house where they first met in 1984. Mooch fondly remembers how Barry was her crack dealer back when she was known as Big Mike. Hilarity ensues when Barry tries to sell crack to FBI undercover informant Hot Rod Blagojevich and Mayor Rahm “Ballerina” Emanuel and they wrestle Barry to the steam room floor.
After a looooooong struggle with many grunts and groans and Barry “catching” all hell, Mooch and Reggie Love bust in on the scene to “pitch” in.
Barky and Mooch go to White Castle to train new leaders, heal the political divide and get choomed out of their minds. Only one of these things actually happens.
Trump owns you Barry. We have a real POTUS now loser.
Who the fuck is going to watch that shit?
The stammering dunce’s voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. Eight years of that babbling prick were more than enough. Go away, Barry.
Jimmy Carter was a great president compared to that despicable SOB.
There will be an episode where Obama see the doctor and there is a long discussion of “anal fissures” and the proper care and treatment for such a condition. The condition will be blamed on W. & Trump.
maybe technology has advanced to such a stage that he will be able to do this while swinging on the gallows he built for Trump but i doubt it.
posted by Charlie WalksonWater.
^me. stupid autofill tip. no workie.
Remember that Obama was the laziest politician in a generation and NetFlix may actually expect to get something for their millions. If he approaches this like he did his autobiographies (the first he failed to complete anything, spent the advance and Mooch had to beg the publisher not to sue while the second was written by someone else when he again, failed to deliver) he and NetFlix will likely part company sooner rather then later.
Yeah, cause you did such a great job of that when you had the chance. Go away asshole.
Bye bye NETFLIX.
Geoff C. read to me last night part of an article about this which said NetFlix was losing over 3000 subscribers an hour on news of this.
Hope Netflix didn’t give him a boatload of money just for the pitch — like his book deals.
Democrats don’t educate, they indoctrinate.
[‘You didn’t build that’ is filmed in front of a live teleprompter]
Season 1, Episode 10: The problem with Pigskins
Hilarity ensues when Uncle Joe’s football lands in the Obamas yard. Barry looks at the foreign object in his yard, thinking that it’s some kind of egg.
When uncle joe asks for his pigskin back, Barry gets offended and everyone learns about the one true religion.
She Who Must Be Obeyed cancelled her free one-months subscription today … had no trouble w/ the operator, who immediately came on & said, “So, you want to cancel your subscription?”
obviously, they’ve been getting that a lot lately 🙂
coincidence? … ya think?