Obama: No ‘silver bullet answer’ for record-high murder rate in Chicago – IOTW Report

Obama: No ‘silver bullet answer’ for record-high murder rate in Chicago

WashingtonExaminer: President Obama was unable to put his finger on a single main reason for an uptick in homicides in his hometown of Chicago, during a Thursday interview with NBC-Chicago.

“I don’t think there’s one reason and I don’t think there’s a silver bullet answer for it,” Obama said when asked about the dramatic spike in murders in 2016.

Chicago Police documented 762 shooting deaths last year, making it the highest rate in 20 years. President-elect Trump has urged Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel to ask the federal government for help if he cannot get a hold of the problem. But Obama suggested that there are a number of reasons for the uptick in shooting-related incidents that his administration is starting to work on changing.

“It appears it be a combination of factors: the nature of gang structures or lack of structure in Chicago, the way that police are allocated in some cases, the need for more police, the easy accessibility of guns, pockets of poverty that are highly segregated,” Obama said.  MORE

30 Comments on Obama: No ‘silver bullet answer’ for record-high murder rate in Chicago

  1. Never attempted to help stop or even reduce the slaughter of black people in Chicago or anywhere else. Him, with his genius, racial impartiality, charisma, concern for black people. Just walks around smiling and waving like an lobotomized clown – knowing his handlers have perpetrated the greatest hoax ever on the American people.

  2. Let’s try a parody of an old comedy song “Cows With Guns”. Change it to Blacks with Guns. I don’t know the stats, but it’s probably 90+ blacks killing black. Worse yet, Obama KNOWS this.

  3. Blacks are being cut down like wheat in autumn and Teh Won wants to move back to Chicago.
    “Yes, it is a fine day for another round of golf, sir, and that’s a fine shirt you’re wearing…”

    Go ahead Zero, make my day.

  4. All of them could be his children, just like innocent Trayvon Martin. Obongo doesn’t seem to care about his evil spawn much, does he. Hell, he doesn’t even want to move back to Chiraq to bask in the glow of his Fundamental Transformation. Legacyman wants to stay in the limelight and rebuild the Democrat Party. He will find that as difficult as saving his phony accomplishments. God speed, Donald Trump.

  5. Pretty simple actually.

    1.) Stop and frisk
    2.) Lock up first time gun offenders for a minimum of 75% of their sentence
    3.) Lock up repeat offenders with a harsh minimum sentence
    4.) Provide incentive for legal gun owners to carry concealed

  6. Just keep pumping out those welfare babies who are raised by – well, no one – and expose them to gang member role models and – oh, don’t forget – this is important! – immerse them in a vile black popular culture that glorifies fornication, drug abuse and gun violence in theaters, music and television. Then throw them for a few hours a week into a classroom with an embittered adult who relates how unfair life is for blacks in this country.

    Yep, that’ll fix it.

  7. The Silver bullet is send in the troops, round up all the gang members and deport the MS13 thugs, put the others in jail for 20 years and you are good to go.

    No jail space? Well if that prison barge in the middle of Lake Michigan sprang a leak, who is going to cry except Democrats?

  8. That is about as credible as this nonsense in The Oregonian. Oh, and notice how The Oregonian disables comments when thy know how the comments are not going to support their preposterous explaining away of the obvious? They are nothing if not predictable.

    “Then a pretend fight between them escalated into a brutal beating of a mentally disabled teenager…”


  9. LBJ is grinning in hell about his success in destroying the American black family and creating a dysfunctional dependent class of democrat voters. The deaths resulting is just collateral damage. End the welfare state, and the carnage will eventually subside, but that isn’t in big government’s interest.

  10. All the mothers’ fault. Their funds need to be cut off after the 1st child out of wedlock. One pregnancy unplanned/accidental I can understand. 7 more after that? No, bitch. No.
    Illegals need to be cut off. Then chicago needs to be cut off because apparently, they don’t know how to handle their business. Get a fucking job, Chicago!

  11. When he uses “silver bullet” as an analogy there, you have to wonder if he isn’t actually mocking the whole situation as if it is exactly what he wanted the entire time, but he just won’t say it.

  12. “Silver Bullet”? Nope, they use lead bullets in Chicago – lead that is made with imported lead from Flint Michigan’s democrat politican-controlled drinking water

  13. Stop and frisk.
    10 year sentence for possession of firearm by a convicted felon, in a Federal slammer.
    Cut off their damn trigger finger.
    OK, the last one was Islam inspired.

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