Breitbart: Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” President Barack Obama said he thinks the Affordable Care Act will survive President-elect Donald Trump’s tenure.
When asked if Obamacare is going to survive, Obama said, “I think it will. It may be called something else. As I said, I don’t mind. if, in fact, the Republicans make some modifications, Some of which I may have been seeking previously, but they wouldn’t cooperate because they didn’t want to make the system work, and re-label it as Trumpcare, I’m fine with that.” VIDEO
Many families and individuals “have not” survived Obamacare or the penalty tax imposed.
REPEAL ! Not replace.
Eliminate or significantly reduce state to state harmful regulations of the medical insurance companies.
Let the free market be free.
“…but they wouldn’t cooperate because they didn’t want to make the system work.”—-The POSITWH
This POS told the Reps that “[he] won” and the Reps had to sit in the back—not TOO racist, eh?
Because Barack Karnak Obama’s predictions about Trump have been so chillingly accurate.
See what he’s doing here? The clown is already attempting to claim credit for whatever comes after this disaster of government-run fuckup is dismantled.
He tries to make us believe that the term “Obamacare” was anything other than an albatross to hang around the neck of the democrat party.
If any of it survives by February 1st it will be a gutted shell, much like the former POTUS.
Obama be-clowns himself at every turn. Pathetic.
The Senate has already voted to repeal it. The house will vote after he is elected?
The States are the Constitutional providers of Health Care.
Obama, “It was because of ME that Trump fixed Obamacare.”
That is what this delusional POS believes. Always taking credit for something he did not do.
He’ll take credit for the successful plan Trump and his cabinet replace it with.
BS is delusional!