Obama Poised to Give College Education Grants to Prisoners – IOTW Report

Obama Poised to Give College Education Grants to Prisoners

DougRoss- I have this queasy feeling in my stomach that upon leaving office, Barack Obama will mass-pardon tens of thousands of federal prisoners. The odious Slate Magazine hinted at this last year (don’t click, the site is definitely not sanitized for your protection).

gang banger ms 13
But I just have this strange vibe, which only grows stronger when I read something like this.More prisoners may soon have access to federal subsidies to pay for college under a new Obama administration initiative, ending a 20-year ban on Pell grants for state and federal prisoners.


16 Comments on Obama Poised to Give College Education Grants to Prisoners

  1. I sure hope it *doesn’t* happen…but:
    Looking on the BRIGHT SIDE
    of this possible dark side…

    Imagine the impact on those intellectually and emotionally weak and impressionable college kids getting the f*cking wake up call of their lives from being not only confronted with but attacked by these bastards daily.

    How do you think their teachers’ Marxist bleatings will sound to them then?!

    Could create the next generation of
    mugged-former-leftist Conservatives

  2. I heard this story this am on the way to work and figured it would show up here. We have so much extra cash just lying around in gov’t coffers why not hand it to felons too? geesh this POS prez just does not give a damn about what anybody thinks anymore.

  3. In regards to Obama pardoning thousands of prisoners you want to bet buried in that mass of paper will be one for himself, his wife, all his cabinet secretaries along with all his cronies and those criminals that came up with enough cash to buy one. This SOB will put himself beyond the reach of the law and then thumb his nose at the country or worse yet will constantly meddle and continue to divide the country on race lines.

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