Obama Portraits to Tour the Country in 2021 – IOTW Report

Obama Portraits to Tour the Country in 2021

Portraits of Barack and Michelle Obama will tour the nation from June 2021 through May 2022 so more people can make the “pilgrimage” to see them.

0bamas official portraits

43 Comments on Obama Portraits to Tour the Country in 2021

  1. They will get more exposure and be seen by many if posted to the outside of the weekly garbage truck and travels throughout the county. Of course people may throw their garbage cans full of garbage at them when they do.

  2. Hiding that manly ‘apple’ with the man hand. Not so clever painter.
    Should have hired Pyongyang Propaganda LLC. The old Kim Jong Il jumpsuit would have filled that out nicely.

  3. That will be a short scary pictures tour. At least 34% of black voters no longer care about these two despots and will be voting for President Trump’s second term.

  4. don’t these pieces of crap live in the Hall of Presidents at the National Gallery? who decides if they are loaned out? hopefully they’ll never come back and Its’ Presidency will be erased entirely. until then, sure, tour the bath houses of America…


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