Washington Times: When it comes to architecture, everyone’s a critic, as witnessed most recently by the Obama Presidential Center.
The distinctive design of the tribute to the 44th president has been compared unfavorably to a giant toenail.
Writing in the Chicago Tribune, columnist Ron Grossman said the library “evokes a soft-boiled egg in a giant eggcup.”
“My problem isn’t the design, though the centerpiece is a tower, heavy around the midsection and tapering to a narrow top and bottom,” Mr. Grossman wrote.
On Twitter, Washington Free Beacon reporter Alex Griswold said the pear-shaped white building reminds him of a “giant toenail”— and the surrounding campus, a putt-putt course. read more
Obama’s library will reflect his intellect. It will boast not one physical book but will contain a kitchen and basketball court.
Appropriately enough, it looks like a toilet tank.
heavy around the midsection and tapering to a narrow top and bottom,”
Throw a cup of Ramen on the roof and you’ve got Debbie Wasserman.
It’s Michelle Obama!
“ a tower, heavy around the midsection and tapering to a narrow top and bottom,”
What’s that alphabet soup on the corner? Looks like
The Obama Library? The biggest oxymoron of the 21st Century.
It looks like some six year old’s Minecraft project. Marxist architecture is always ugly.
That structure is only the white half. Here’s the other half…
Talkin’ about shit holes…… in Chicago none the less.
It’s the back half of a white dustbuster. Sans cord.
And there’s condominiums… https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=ugly+toenail+photos&id=B6853DB203EC9C6E354EF2705F2564EBE1274C3A&FORM=IQFRBA
The real joke is the lack of books in a library. It screams Obama!
It looks like a giant tooth. Perfect for dental offices, not a mosque…err “library”.
Where’s the helipad? It’s got to have a helipad. Up on top of the ’70’s Candle Holder, I guess.
The correct shape would be that of an anal sphincter.
Good gravy! It’s surrounded by federally (taxpayer) subsidized windmills. And how about the stench of dead birds all along the put-put course? Maybe they’ll have roving packs of feral dogs. Nice!
At that, it’s better than Clinton’s doublewide-on-on-the-river.
It is in Chicago’s south side. It does have a lot of white walls. I’m thinking this complex will be a tagger’s heaven.
Actually it looks like Mecca. Just sayin.
The rest of the middle finger and hand is below ground.
Looks like the dirty white droid from Star Wars.
Toilet tank. Perfect. Where else ya gonna see so many ass holes?
I hear Glade is working on a new scent for it.
Woid iz they’re gonna name it Bag-O-Dicks
Flash update: Could be Bag & Dicks…
I bet if you crank a handle in a secret room the top opens up and a helipad comes up and President Fancypants can come see how many people bought Obamacones at the snack bar
“… columnist Ron Grossman said the library “evokes a soft-boiled egg in a giant eggcup.””
Sounds appropriate for Barry. The Dutch phrase, zacht gekookt ei (soft boiled egg), is a slang term for someone who is a cowardly spineless wimp.
At least that is what a Dutchman told me when I couldn’t figure out what it meant when someone was called a zacht gekookt ei.
They had to settle for toenail because it was too difficult to build a giant asshole.