Obama Received Thousands in Cigars, Rum, and Other Gifts from Raul Castro – IOTW Report

Obama Received Thousands in Cigars, Rum, and Other Gifts from Raul Castro

Breitbart: The State Department’s Protocol Office published documents Wednesday revealing that former President Barack Obama and adviser Ben Rhodes received over $5000 in gifts from the government of communist Cuba, including luxury rum and cigars.

The documents reveal that Raúl Castro himself sent Obama the extravagantly valued gifts in the last two years of his tenure, presumably in gratitude for reversing longstanding American policy against the regime. The Cuban-American outlet Martí Noticias reports that Obama received “205 cigars of an unspecified brand, a humidor, and a cigar cutter in 2015.” Obama also reportedly received a wooden bust of Abraham Lincoln and a bottle of Cuban rum.

AP Photo

The Cuban government is embroiled in a longstanding feud with Bacardi, one of the world’s largest rum producers, over the brand name “Havana Club.” The Cuban Bacardi family, which has continued to produce its rum in exile, recently debuted a “Havana Club” rum with the blessing of the Arechabala family, which created the Havana Club brand but ceased to produce rum when their business was nationalized by the communists and they were forced into exile. The families have joined forces in exile, incensing the government that stole their business in the 1960s and continues to profit from their larceny.

The State Department documents do not specify what brand of rum Obama received as a gift.  read more

12 Comments on Obama Received Thousands in Cigars, Rum, and Other Gifts from Raul Castro

  1. ….Pretty sure he obtained many more tens of thousands from many other hidden and obscure entities that are yet to be announced….like windmill farms, solar panel manufactures, John Doe blow-job clubs, Negro diversity lazy income retirement fund, big mama’s leg-spread and fertilization reception centers, Praise the present Kenyan in charge program and numerous other self-aggrandizing institutes of higher tax-payer theft.
    All accomplished with a smirk and a smile to assure his bacteria supporters that his rape of America is good for everyone.

  2. Send Cuba as many SMART PHONES as you can jam into the place.

    1. It will increase anti-Communist communication.
    2. It will turn every citizen into a walking zombie like every college campus.

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