Obama Resists Deporting Ex-Con Illegal Immigrants – IOTW Report

Obama Resists Deporting Ex-Con Illegal Immigrants

DML: Lawmaker and Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, charged the Obama administration with releasing more than 2,000 illegal immigrants on to American streets after serving prison and criminal sentences last year for counts of rape, murder and theft. A federal audit was issued toward the Department of Homeland Security after a freed Haitian illegal immigrant killed a Connecticut woman.

The reason for this Haitian’s freedom, and the other ex-con illegal aliens’ release? The countries refused to take them back, such as Haiti being uncooperative in taking back the illegal immigrant, which then resulted in an American woman’s death.  MORE

6 Comments on Obama Resists Deporting Ex-Con Illegal Immigrants

  1. kate steinle was one of many victims, but what a shining example of the loss of the american dream

    a beautiful young lady enjoying an evening with the family, walking the san francisco pier, enjoying life as she and her family should expect to be able to

    an illegal thug with stolen gun shoots her in the back for no reason except hatred, she dies in her father’s arms

    and the response from the city or from our government —– nothing, no shame, no guilt, could give a shit less

    if you do not think that we are on the precipice of a steep and disastrous fall brought on by the left / obama, to be continued by clinton, wake the hell up, for your kids’ sake

    this is an abomination, or obamanation

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