The Morning After – IOTW Report

The Morning After

American Thinker-

Starting today, some have just come to the realization that there will be some serious unintended consequences. For instance:

It’s Wednesday November 9, 2016. It has been officially confirmed that Hillary Clinton has just been elected as the next President of the United States of America.

Starting today, some have just come to the realization that there will be some serious unintended consequences. For instance:

The entire discussion of building a wall on the southern border has finally been put to bed, once and for all. In fact, there is now discussion of tearing down the existing border fences and walls and allowing a completely open border.

The time has finally come to grant all illegals and their families full amnesty. Hillary promised to grant such amnesty to all illegals within her first 100 days either through Congress or by executive action. We are about to welcome millions of new citizens, most of which will feel they owe a debt of gratitude to Hillary and will forevermore vote Democrat.

The mainstream media is in full celebration mode, knowing they won, and that they successfully represented the very best interests of our Big Government and everything else that goes along with it. CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, the New York Times will party like drunken sailors. Plus, they have finally showed the world where the real power lies in the United States.

We will quickly forget about Trump’s idea of negotiating better trade deals; we will keep things just as they are. It will be deemed of no need to risk upsetting other countries, especially those that won’t allow US goods into their countries.

ObamaCare will get even more onerous. All of our new Hispanic and Mexican citizens will be entitled to this, too. Even though health insurance premiums and deductibles have skyrocketed under ObamaCare and will get much worse. Hillary has promised to
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ht/ all too much

18 Comments on The Morning After

  1. All of the above may indeed happen, but I stopped reading American Thinker after they decided to be determinedly Anti Trump. They may have changed their tune, but they’ve lost me as a reader.

  2. Mr. Mxyzptlk, I’m surprised you find American Thinker so anti-Trump that you stopped going there. Granted there have been some anti-Trump sentiments here and there but it seems they have been mostly fair to him. They are definitely anti-Clinton, there are probably a bunch of libs that don’t go there.

  3. I don’t know what I’ll do if Hillary is elected. All of her policies seem custom-designed to screw me and millions of others over. More immigrants? Sure, make my job in Family Court even more annoyingly stressful than it already is. Increase taxes on the middle class? No problem–I’ll just pull the extra money outta my ass every April 15! Sharia law……ugh, let’s not go there.

    Trump as Prez is my only chance of improving the quality of my life.

  4. Then I will go Galt.
    I will produce nothing
    I will not participate in their world
    The barbarians have breached the gate
    I will find a place where fetching wood and carrying water still matter

  5. So after laying out paragraph after paragraph of the never-ending hell that electing Hillary would bring, he ends by basically saying Trump would probably be just as bad and boy, will we dodge a bullet by not electing him!

    These “conservative” writers promote a discouraging and defeatist narrative that adds nothing to the discussion. They clearly never listen to anything Trump has said in his speeches, and they would just snark about it if they did because they just know (with no evidence at all) that “he doesn’t mean a word of it.” But at least they can be smug in the knowledge, when the country has gone to the globalists and the UN is in charge of our lives, that they were sooooo right. All they have to do is convince enough voters that they needn’t bother to show up, and they’re giving it their very best shot. Fuck ’em all. Sideways.

    I hadn’t totally written off American Thinker. Until now.

  6. That’s funny (weird, not haha). I took the last part of the article as sarcasm. Never Trumpers are saying those things about him, so when Hillary wins, by golly, we were right! See, he never intended to win and our part in destroying him didn’t even count!

    At least, that’s how I saw it.

    Damn the Never Trumpers.

  7. @ Mr. Mxyzptlk I also swore off American Thinker for their unsupported anti-Trump bias but, like many other sites, they’ve come around and offer some of the most thoughtful articles I’ve found on current events.

    They still take a knee-jerk swipe at Trump in some articles (and some are just blatant Hillary talking points) but they delve deeper into key areas and name more names than any other site – Clinton Foundation, Global Elites, Race Baiting, Muslim threat, etc.

    I don’t mind criticism of Trump. Every human is flawed. What I object to is the Alinsky technique of name calling without substantiating evidence: rodeo clown, racist, bigot, misogynist, rapist and the piece de resistance: he’s not a conservative!

    I might even give another shot!

  8. Mr. Mxyzptlk, I’m surprised you find American Thinker so anti-Trump that you stopped going there. Granted there have been some anti-Trump sentiments here and there but it seems they have been mostly fair to him. They are definitely anti-Clinton, there are probably a bunch of libs that don’t go there. – joe6pak

    Isn’t aggravating/disliking both sides of the Trump/Hillary divide the essence of an anti-trumer?

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