Obama says he won’t accept budget that doesn’t raise spending – IOTW Report

Obama says he won’t accept budget that doesn’t raise spending

Wa Times: President Obama said Monday he will reject any budget from Congress that doesn’t boost spending on both defense and his own domestic priorities, saying the spending “sequesters” need to go.

“America can’t afford being short-sighted and I’m not going to allow it,” the president said while speaking at the Homeland Security Department as he released his $4 trillion budget for fiscal 2016.

His budget calls for boosting discretionary spending by more than 6 percent, and raising taxes to pay for it.  more

obama fly 2

18 Comments on Obama says he won’t accept budget that doesn’t raise spending

  1. Repost:

    An Israeli doctor says: “In Israel, medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man’s testicles, put them on another man and in 6 weeks, he is looking for work”.

    The German doctor says: “that’s nothing, in Germany we take part of a brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work”.

    The Russian doctor says: “gentlemen, we take half a heart from a man, put it in another’s chest and in 2 weeks he is looking for work”.

    The United States doctor laughs: “You all are behind us. Five years ago, we took a man with no brains, no heart and no balls and made him President. Now, the whole country is looking for work!”

  2. A layup for the R’s – eliminate the sequester cuts for defense only, keep other spending at current levels.
    Can be passed with a majority of both houses (no filibuster for budget bills)
    Say “There you are Mr. President, more spending”
    Let him veto it

  3. If IF IF IF the Rs actually will keep their promises and fight the enemy bastard. It’s starting to look as though those IFs are too heavy for the Rs to bother with… damn their eyes!

  4. How many bridges were built from the $900 billion Obama Crony Giveaway? None.

    How many new roads built? None.

    How much of the $900 billion was kicked back to the Democrats campaign funds? Billions.

    Let’s see who the corrupt and suicidal Republicans are by holding a vote on the Obama Taxpayer Dollars to Campaign Contributions Fund.

  5. Cut his salary to zero then. And those of CONgress. Eliminate their perks.

    And THEN eliminate their kickbacks! 😮 😮 😮

    THEN you’ll see some REAL turnover in election results!

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