Obama Snubs The Senate On Paris Climate Agreement – IOTW Report

Obama Snubs The Senate On Paris Climate Agreement


WesternFreePress: Once again President Obama is showing his preference for international agreements that ignore the sovereignty of the United States.

This time it is the Framework Convention on Climate Change agreement that was negotiated in Paris last December and signed by 130 nations at the United Nations in New York on Friday. The Obama administration maintains that it is an international agreement rather than a treaty. Therefore, there is no need to seek the advice and consent of the Senate.

Senator Mike Lee of Utah and Congressman Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania don’t think Obama should get away with it.

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8 Comments on Obama Snubs The Senate On Paris Climate Agreement

  1. Barky will be thinking he can become dictator with a stroke of his pen, Someone needs to relieve this megalomaniac of his office and tuck him away in a asylum in Kenya….and fire the Senate…

  2. Senator Mike Lee of Utah and Congressman Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania don’t think Obama should get away with it.

    crazyeighter of Tennessee KNOWS Obama shouldn’t get away with it, and who to blame if he does.

  3. A treaty is no longer a treaty? I guess words DON’T matter now?

    Q: How many legs does a dog have if we call the tail a leg?

    A: Four. Calling the tail a leg doesn’t make it so.

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