Obama states, “I’m the Father of the Tea Party.” / @Mr_Pinko REPORTS – IOTW Report

Obama states, “I’m the Father of the Tea Party.” / @Mr_Pinko REPORTS

Obama states, “I’m the Father of the Tea Party.” / @Mr_Pinko REPORTS

In the same George Stephanopoulos INTERVIEW that @BigFurHat previously reported on. OBAMA STATES,
“I gather I’m the Father of the Tea Party.”
Because it’s ALL ABOUT HIM! What is he going to do after … READ THE REST of the article HERE and CHECK OUT @Mr_Pinko’s PROPHETIC VIDEO that was posted in August of 2009 when we were iOwnTheWorld.

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26 Comments on Obama states, “I’m the Father of the Tea Party.” / @Mr_Pinko REPORTS

  1. Obama is the father of many things in this country, socialized medicine, socialized immigration, socialized restrooms, and the father of everything that has gone wrong in this country that last eight years. GEEEEZZZZ, what a dipchit.

  2. Ol’ Gringo,
    “dipchit” is a great term, it is polite, civilized, suitable for mixed company. It does convey your message without having to spell it out! Excel;lent !!!!!

  3. Just like a muzzy – always taking credit for someone else’s achievements. It’ll be interesting to see how many other people’s accomplishments he takes credit for over the next several years, after almost laying waste to the entire planet.

  4. Emperor Zero, he of zero self-esteem, is the type of mentally-ill miscreant who shits in the middle of the floor of a public restroom to ‘glory’ in the accomplishment of it. He plays golf so much, because one can’t LOSE at golf, despite credible accounts that he sucks at that too.

    Seriously dangerous sociopath, he’s easing my criticism of the Congress that wouldn’t impeach him; perhaps they sensed the danger of handling Barky in any way other than flattering him.

  5. Since everything he says is directly opposite of the truth and the reality is that He destroyed the world in 8 horrendously horrible years. This delusional idiot will be saying he created the world, next

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